

Carson could feel a small wave of relief when Misty agrees to go with him. He'd feared perhaps she would refuse. Offering her a crooked smile, he nods. "Okay. Come on." Leading the way, he heads through TJY and out to his car.

The ride to the Sandwich Basket is very quiet, and even after they order and seat themselves at an outside table to enjoy the sunshine, conversation is all but none.

Carson works on a sub sandwich but it didn't taste all that good today. He didn't think it was the food though - it was him and his sour stomach. Eventually he sets his sub down and sighs.

"Misty, I..." His eyes attach themselves to his food basket. "I'm sorry... about last night. I was kinda hurt how you said I lied, I guess, but I shouldn't have blown up at you." He shrugs. "I don't know what happened with the phone but I didn't mean to worry you or upset you, especially when we had company over."

His gaze finally rises to look at her. "So yeah... I'm really sorry."

"Hey, Ariel. It's Pete.... Mm-hmm... yeah, it's all good.... It's fine. It all worked out.... Yeah.... Hey, listen, are you coming to the party tomorrow?" Pete swivels in his chair at his desk, giving Trey a sidelong glance. He was doing as promised - calling Ariel to try and get her to show up at the party tomorrow night.

"No, it's downtown. The Sunrise... Yeah, I know you don't usually, but it shouldn't be too rowdy or anything...." He grimaces at Trey. Ariel was balking. "I know. But really, it's mostly gonna be the same crowd - you know must of 'em are pretty good at not getting out of hand." It was true - most of the people he knew at these get-togethers might drink a little and get a little loud, but never got out of hand or did anything to get into trouble. He even saw friends from church now and again, and Ariel certainly was one of those that just wanted to have good clean fun, emphasis on the clean. Pete had never experienced anything there that would be cause for concern though, even for the young ladies. He wasn't surprised Ariel was wary of a different kind of party though.

"...Right... well, I'll be there... Yeah. Hang out with me if you want.... Eh, work can wait. Come on..." Pete rolls his eyes. She had no idea how difficult she was being. "Ahh, 'maybe' is as good as a 'yes.' So that's a yes, right?"

He grins. "Good. Uh yeah... about nine o'clock..... Yep, see you there. Alright..... Bye."

Hanging up, Pete turns back to Trey. "Well, there you go, Bud. She'll be there tomorrow night."

"Okay. Thanks, Stacy." Mick nods. "I've been through this once with Dylan before... but things are kinda different now so I'm not really sure what's going to happen. Thanks for staying extra alert though."

Opening the door for her, he lets her go back inside and follows. They needn't discuss this anymore for now. What would be would be and they just needed to wait on Dylan now...

...."No, I don't want any lunch!" Dylan raises his voice, swinging glare at Jade. First Mick then Jeff then Sparky, now Jade. "How many people do I have to tell that to?!"

Jade blinks and takes a step back from where he was sweeping the barn aisle. "Alright already. Sheesh. I was just wondering if you were hungry after you skipped breakfast." And since he hadn't come to supper the night before either. She knew he'd probably snagged a snack when no one was around, but it still concerned her.

Dylan grips the broom tightly. "You keeping track now or what? Dad have you watching me to make sure I get my three solid meals a day?"

Though her brother snapping at her stung a bit, Jade throws up her arms in disgust. "Oh shut up. You know that's not true. If I'da known you were this sensitive today, I wouldn't have asked. I'll see you later." Spinning on her heel she stalks away, not giving him another chance to respond.

Dylan watches her leave then growls angrily before continuing to sweep. He wipes the sweat from his brow, fighting the mild dizzy spell. He wanted one thing right now, and one thing only. But he was out. And there was no source to get more.

Pausing his work, he takes a deep breath. He could do this. He had to. He could beat this thing.

Jade stalks over to the nearest pasture fence to lean on and take a deep breath. She wasn't stupid. She knew what was happening. And it pained her to see her brother suffering. She wished there was something she could do, but she knew there wasn't. Why did Dylan have to do this? Why did he have to make all those bad choices? Would he make it through this? Would he wind up just eventually going back to that life again later? Was this really the last time? What did the others think? Surely most everyone knew. Did Dylan even realize how obvious his problem had become? Why wasn't her dad doing anything about it? Why had he told her to remain silent as well and let Dylan deal with it in his own time? She just didn't understand!

Swiping angrily at a tear, she scoffs into the wind. Why should she care anyway? Dylan could care less about her. When she'd finally seen him after he'd come back and given him a hug, it hadn't even been returned. There was still no smile. Nothing to say that he was glad she was there. Nothing. it was the same as always. She loved her brother to death but it was never returned, and it was getting harder to just not shut him off completely. Especially now. Especially when she had to stand back and watch him stubbornly try to survive on his own.

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