

Carson sits alone for a long time, nursing his beer until it's gone. Tonight, he could go for something stronger.

Eventually he does get up, but after putting away the empty bottle, he doesn't go to the bedroom. Instead, he hesitates in the hallway before turning back to the living room. Grabbing a blanket, he flops down on the couch and tries to get comfortable on the cushions. He couldn't remember the last time he'd chosen not to go to bed with his wife. A lump rises in his throat but he tries to ignore it. Things would be fine... they would work out... they would be fine...

...It was only a few hours before Carson was rising again for his morning run. When he gets back to the house to shower, it was still dark outside. Opening the bedroom door quietly, he slips in to find clean clothes for the day.

Once dressed, he checks the clock. He really didn't want to work today. But he had no choice.

Ready to leave, he pauses at the door and looks back over his shoulder at Misty's sleeping form. Was she really asleep? He had his doubts. She'd probably heard him moving about.

Sighing, he wanders quietly to her side of the bed. His heart hurt. He felt rotten. He'd let her down. He wanted to erase the previous night from their history. But he couldn't. And he knew... this was only the beginning of the pain.

Bending down, he kisses Misty's cheek. "I love you," he whispers.

Finally leaving the room, he goes to the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee before leaving for Mom and Pop's.

Axel didn't know how much time had passed. He didn't really care though. It wasn't often he allowed himself to fall into these moments with Jess... to be this intimate... to just allow himself and her to express their feelings like this. But tonight he had, and he enjoyed it...

...The soft classical music still played in the background. The living room was dark. Axel was leaned back in the corner of the couch with Jess tucked under his arm. They had long since ceased making out and were just quietly enjoying each other's company now. Axel's hand absentmindedly wandered up and down her arm, his other hand having found her own to hold. With her head so close on his shoulder and chest, he kisses the top of it gently.

"I still owe you dinner out," he muses quietly.

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