
Though it hurts...

Exiting the barn and seeing Jade at once of the fences Dan lets out a small sigh. He felt badly for Jade, and new this must be hard for her. To sit back and watch her brother destroy himself. He new for himself it was hard. Dylan was like a younger brother to him and he longed to help. Jade being blood and having a big heart like hers it must be ten times what he was feeling.

Slowly coming up behind her Dan puts his arms around her wast and leans his head on her shoulder. Just drawing her in close to him and sheltering her as much as he could. Sometimes he wished he could do more, keep her from the cruel world but he new he couldn't and what he had was the best he could do.

"He doesn't mean it you know. To be such a jerk and hurt you. It's him talking but...not really him."

Dan is quiet again for a moment. He wasn't trying to make excuses for Dylan and say what he was doing was ok. But this pattern Dan new it was hard to break once started. All they could do was hope and pray that Dylan could break the hold and he would become stronger in God to help overcome it.

"Though it hurts the best thing you can do is be there for him. He's going to need it, no matter what he says, no matter what he does. He's going to need your support."

Entering the barn Ashlee smiles as she spots Dylan. She had a feeling he would be here and she was happy to be right. Going over to him Ashlee gives a wave and a smile. It was a nice today out today and she wondered if he'd like to study with her.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to study with me a little bit? It's really nice out and after lunch I was thinking about going to the south field."

Ashlee gives another smile to Dylan. It was always more fun to do some work with someone than alone. It helped her in a way focus more and it was nice to have a break here and there to chat with someone. She just hoped Dylan would like the idea too.

Sitting at Pete's desk and just listing to him on the phone Trey taps his pen on the stack of papers he had just finished. It sounded like Ariel was being difficult and it made Trey a little nervous. Would Pete be able to get her to come?

As Pete finally gets Ariel to come Trey gives a smirk. Waiting till Pete hands up the phone before giving a nod and leaning back in the chair.

"Thanks Pete. Now I just hope she'll listen to me. If I was her....I wouldn't."

Letting out a long sigh Trey's look was one in deep thought for a long moment. He had all night to try and think what he was going to say tomorrow, but the biggest fear on his mind was rejection. What if Ariel wouldn't listen and the damage he had done was to great? What would he do that?

"Think she will listen to me?"

Sitting quietly eating her tuna wrap Misty was quiet. She really didn't have much to say and though she wasn't that hungry the wrap sure did taste good. As Carson finally says something Misty looks down at the wrap and than up at Carson again.

Just staying quiet Misty took a stray peace of lettuces and put it in her mouth. She was still pretty upset about last night But Carson was being pretty sweet now and to hear him saw he was sorry Misty could see in his eyes he did mean it.

"I forgive you. Sorry you were offended by my wording but put yourself in my shoes...thats how it looked. Next time I'll think a little more before I jump."

Taking the last bit of her wrap and whiping her mouth Misty does her best to give a smile to Caron. Her stomach was still in knots but she new that they would be ok now. and she would keep true to her word and think before she spoke.

"Thank you for lunch Carson!"

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