

Getting to Gage's house Sapphire smile when she see him coming to the car before she even shut it off. It was good to see him smiling again today, and not to tired though she still didn't understand how he was even walking. She'd be dead on her feet by now.

"Hey there...oh Chinese sounds...."

Having her words cut off by a kiss from Gage Sapphire wouldn't complain as the warm soft feeling washing over her. As he pulls away Sapphire gives a smile as she brings her hand to the side of Gage's face and runs her finger on his cheek.

"I think that was better than Chinese, but I guess we should head out now."

"I'm not picking you up Chance the only one who can do that is yourself. I'm simply cleaning the wounds because its the right thing to do, and I know somewhere inside, you are a good guy."

Bringing her hand up to Chance's face again Misty continues to clean him up. She felt bad for him and hoped he would be able to pick himself up. There was good in him somewhere she new there was. The look he had in his eyes when he had been here before, it only proved somewhere, there was good.

"Tilt your head up a little, let me see your lip."

Tilting his head a little and and patting his lips before putting some cream on it. Doing a few more things around the to clean him up Misty was done. Gathering things up she looks at the cuffs on the table and gives a sigh. She didn't want to cuff Chance again but she new she had to.

"Sorry I have to do this."

Taking the cuffs and going behind Chance Misty gently puts the cuffs back on him and than resting his hands behind him against the chairs.

Continuing her work Ryan stays focused on what she was doing keeping her mind off of many other things Alec seeming to be in the middle of them right now. Ryan just wish she wasnt hanging in limbo.

As the time moves on and work was done Ryan laughs and smile with the other pushing her feelings away the best she could. Seeing Leo joking with the other was good, and a sudden feeling washes over her almost a longing, or a thought of something that once was.

Watching as Leo starts to sing and comes sliding across the floor Ryan gives a laugh and a little shake of her head. A look passing through her eyes and she had to admit she missed Leo and his quirky ways. Was this normal to miss an ex or had she really made the wrong choose?

"Alright you crazy...wonderful...crazy man lets get some more pizza before you sing anymore."

A grin forms on Ryan's face to show she was joking before she holds her hand out to Leo to help him up. Not looking him right in the eye right now so he could tell the feelings she felt. This wasn't his concern, She'd made the desition she had to deal with it. At least she had her friend ship.

"Hey you guys ready or what? I think Leo's getting a little delirious here me too."

Ryan pulls Leo into a half friendly hug as she leans her head to his for a moment her own voice chiming in.

"Pizza, pizza here we come, pizza pizza our work is gonna have to wait to be done."

Giving a little laugh Ryan shakes her head before looking around.

"I guess I shouldn't quit my day job."

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