
In the clear

Giving another laugh at Gage mixed together and broken words she shakes her head. A little slired words would be normal for someone who went without sleep for twenty four hours. She just felt a little bad she had contributed to his lack of sleep. But lunch was lunch and after he said he would rest.

"Ok, I should be going on my break here shortly. Let's say meet me hour side in a half hour. And decid what you want to eat I picked yesterday."

Finishing up her conversation with Gage Sapphire gets back to work making sure she could get her work done in time so she could see Gage. There wasn't a lot of work, but she did need to get it done. What she couldn't she'd finish when she got done with lunch.

Looking down at Leo's hand Ryan would of rather giving him a friendly hug but maybe the handshake was best. Linking her hand with his and giving it a strong shakes she nods. A friendship still with Leo was important and going out for pizza with everyone and having Leo come along too sealed the deal with Ryan that at least he was trying.

"You already said you were sorry Leo, nothing more needs to be said on it. Whats done is done, and I've moved past it, your in the clear with me."

Letting go of Leo's hand and just watching him for a moment Ryan finally gives his arm a little wack with her rag as she see some of the other guys starting to filter into the area.

"Alright get back to work slacker, lets see if you can beat me today huh?"

Giving gives a grin to Leo. It was going to take a while to form a strong friendship like they had but it was a path there were both willing to take now and thats what was important.

Back at her car she leans to look into the engine and for a moment she just looks letting out a long sigh. Still no call from Alec, and it made her wonder. What she being to stubborn, to bull headed not to try and call him? But if he cared, why hadn't he called her? And if she did call him would she be giving in? Not sticking to her guns and showing she was serous about him trying run who she hung out with?

Letting out another sigh Ryan shakes her head a little. She had to have a clear mind so she could work and not worry about this right now. She could think about this later and figure stuff out.

Looking up as Hal came into the office Misty gives a solom nod listing to him. She was shocked and saddened to hear about what had perspired with Chance. He's seemed like an ok guy who had really been fond of Destiny just from the simple look in his eye she had seen the day she had been shot. Maybe he had cared but just got turned around, or a bad intention only to realize he cared about this woman. Whatever the case was she now had her own job to do.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do with him."

Standing and takes the keys from Hal Misty gathers a few things together to fix cuts, swelling and making Chance as comfortable as she could. Taking her bag and make her wait to the irrigation room she enters.

Just standing there for a moment Misty can feel the awkward tension in the air and always hated it. But it was her job so she had to plug along anyways.

"Hey Chance, I'm going to clean up some of those cuts and what not you have ok?"

Not really exspecting an answer Misty sets her bad down on the floor before walking around the table to where Chance sat. Keeping her self awair of what was going on in the room just incase.

"Ok, lets get these cuffs off you and let your arms rest a little."

Once taking the cuffs off Misty sets to work on cleaning Chance up making it swift and trying not to hurt him all that much. Making him comfortable was important to her no matter what he had done.

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