
Make or Break

Thirteen gives a small smile as she stands and climbs into the bed with Ryder. Even if she new Ryder hated when someone waited on him at least this once he wasn't saying it. It felt good to be able to take care of him for once, and it made her feel like she had grown in her independence a little more doing so.

"Mmm...we can't have your getting cold now can we?"

Being very gentile not to hit Ryder's leg Thirteen crawls close to him laying her head on his chest and draping her arm over him as well. Moving her head a little to be able to comfortable watch the movie. No matter how she liked taking care of Ryder she still loved having his arm wrapped around her.

"This is much better."

Giving a thoughtful nod as Tom talked Rayne takes another trip around the car. Only coming to a stop when Phil steps in and asks his question. She didn't mind at all, when it came to cars she could change the oil, and figure out what the little things were wrong were but other than they she really had no idea. So to have Phil ask was no problem.

Hearing she could test drive the car Rayne perks up and gives a big smile before looking over at Phil.

"Phil will you come with me?"

Rayne holds up her arm that still had the cast on it. She could drive with it no problem she just feel better having someone with her.

"I'd feel a whole lot safer if you were with me. Not to mention you could look out for any odd noises for me."

Slightly turning back to Tom she continues to smile very thankful for his offers. She did only have one more question for him and it was a big one that would make or break this whole thing.

"Before I drive it though...can I ask how much your asking for it?"

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