

Tom cocks his head, seeming to give Rayne a once-over before mentioning a price, almost as if he were deciding based on her instead of a prior decision. "Three thousand."

Phil quirks an eyebrow, getting the feeling that Tom had had a higher price in mind.

Tom nods. "And I'm more than willing to take payments or however you need to do it."

It seemed too good. Phil sets his hands on his hips, squinting at his older friend. "You-"

"Eh... what's the point of receiving when you can't give? It's the best I can do." Tom holds out the keys to Rayne. "Take her for a spin. If you're a friend of Phil's, I trust you."

Phil looks to Rayne, smiling a little and agreeing to her request. "I'll come along. We can take it over to see Axel if you want."

"There we go." Ryder lets Thirteen settle in beside him, running a hand through her hair. He felt like crap, hurting and still a bit sick to his stomach. But the easier he made it for Thirteen, maybe the less she would worry about him continuing to work at the zoo. It looked as though he'd be getting a bit of a break anyway, if what the doctor said was true.

Trying to stay awake for the movie, Ryder mumbles a few comments here and there, but it doesn't take him long to eventually fall back into sleep.

As the movie drones, a nurse returns. She takes a breath to chide Thirteen for being in bed with Ryder, but seeing him asleep, she sighs and ends up smiling a little instead. She'd been in that kind of position herself once and she hadn't wanted to be chided.

Moving closer, she lays a hand on Thirteen's arm. "We have a cot," she offers gently. "He should have the bed to himself."

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