

Karla could feel her own excitement rise as everyone started to move around the room, and the noise broke out. Being yanked out of her chair Karla can't do anything but laugh and give a little whoop herself.

As Kip pulls away and she looks up at him the smile on her face remains. Over the last few days she had grown a little closer to the other band members even if it was Kip she connected to the most. They really had helped her fit in, and continued to see her as there manager. That alone was exciting, now hearing Kip still wanted her to come with them it made her heart race even more. He wanted her to come too.

"Well you all certainly can't leave behind your manager. You guys need someone with there head on straight."

Karla looks around the room before looking to Kip again her grin growing even more.

"...and I don't see anyone here like that sooo...I'll just stick with being the manager. Anyways if you leave I wont have anything left here for me and who knows where I'll end. So I think I'll stick with my friends that sounds better."

Just staying quiet and letting a smile form on her face Alice just gazes into Kyle's eyes. How she had grown to love the silence with him, just speaking back and forth without saying anything at all.

Feeling Kyle's fingers in her own Alice gives a squeeze tighting her own around his. Home...it seemed like such a strange word. Yes she had her own apartment, and her own bed but it was so long since the last time where was there. Home had been where ever Kyle was for so long and she did like it that way.

"Back to where it all started, and where it will continue."

How amazing was God to lead them back this way once again. A circle had been taken, a long road of growth had been taken, changing them ever so slightly but greatly at the same time.

Stronger in there faith, and in there bond God has shown Alice love again. Though somethings still lied unfinished God was bringing her closer to the closure she needed. Never doubting this trip she had taken with Kyle every step of the way had been great and it would continue to be. Now God was bringing them back...almost as if telling her it was time as well.

Continuing to look at Kyle in the eyes Alice's love reflects in her own. She was so happy to be shearing this special moment with Kyle. To see first had his excitement, and joy Oh how Alice would never trade it for anything.

"Your family and friends are going to be so excited to see you Kyle. A new journey is just opening up for us. You did it Kyle, we did it, they did it...God made our dreams come true. I love you Kyle Mitts, and am ever so proud of you."

Alice's words were soft and light...just breath on the wind as she talked. She was excited, though calm at the same time. She new Kyle would understand and see her own excitement without saying anything at all.

Giving a laugh at Leo's comment Cassy was happy there was a little humor in his voice. Following his lead and getting out of the car Cassy was happy he was staying, even though she never would of said she was disappointed if he hadn't.

Looking over the hood of the car Cassy gives a small toss of her hair as she moves away and walks twords the porch. Doing her best to keep a straight face she calls over her shoulder.

"Well just so you know, the rum is gone. Yes..the rum."

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