
Old Feet

Getting comfortable on the couch Cassy sits with her good leg tucked under her and the other spread out a little on the other coution making sure Leo still had room and wouldn't feel crowded him.

Digging into the food Cassy didn't realize how hungry she really was until the first bit of her burger. Chewing her food Cassy stomach lets out a loud growl demanding more. Not looking at Leo some color comes to her cheeks.

"I..guess I was hungry."

As the night went on and laughs were exchanged Cassy was happy to see Leo laughing, and imitating the tv sometimes. Sometimes doing her own impression of the chars were funner than actually listening to them.

Seeing Leo relax was nice too. Knowing he felt comfortable at her apartment made her feel good. Shifting just a little on the couch Cassy's foot bumps Leo's. Looking down at her feet and than back at Leo she grins.

"Sorry, these big old feet have a mind of there own."

Reaching for her drink she takes a sip before returning to her position to finish the movie out.

Doing a dance again with Kip Karla is moves all over the place though the smile never died on her face, more laughter erupted thankful for Kip enthusiasm so she had no room to worry about what was to come now. This was something completely new for her like the others but this was something huge, she'd never been so far away before, now she was going to be and it was exciting and scary at the same time.

"I'd glad I get to come with you too. This is a whole new experience. I've never been out of my own backyard."

Giving another laugh she does another twirl around Kip before throwing her arms around him again for a hug. It was amazing how fast things happened, and how God worked wonders. He had a plan for everything and from the day she first met Kip he new this was where they would be now.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity, and for everything."

Leaning her head into Kyle's hand for a moment Alice loves the way his skin felt on her. His hand were rough from playing the keyboard, coleus built up from pressing the keys but at the same time they were light and soft, giving her a feeling that would never die.

"Home! I wont write anything on it until after you give me the ok. This is on surprise I think will be great."

And she meant it. Untill Kyle said it was ok "Whats Up" would have to wait on knowing about Kyle's return. She might not have family here, but Kyle did and she almost felt like they were her family too. It had been a long time, to long she was excited as well to see them once again.

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