
Sack of Poop

Sitting at the bar Scarlet looks up at the clock five minutes to eight. She wondered if Eli would really show or not, but she had nothing better to do at the moment so why not just sit and wait.

Taking a sip of her beer she looks around the room before finally shading her leather jacket and placing it on the back of her chair.

The weather had turned to the warm side suprising after the sun had set. Now a little more stylish than earlier in the day a red tank top was her shirt, with the markings of two little butterfly's and a lonely dragonfly on her shoulder, form fitting leather pants, and boots was the rest of her where. Her hair hung down around her shoulders in little ringlets.

"Have a hot date?"

Scarlet looks up at the bartender and gives a grin shaking her head a little. She was here at least once a week so she new the bartender pretty well. He was a nice guy who treated Scarlet almost like a daughter.

"Not sure if I do or not. Went to see Eli McKade today about doing some work on my bike and well..he might show up."

The bartender used the towel he was holding to whip out some glasses raising an eyebrow for a moment.

"McKade, McKade...isn't he the one who kicked Roth's butt for roughing up his sister?"

Scarlet gives a nod taking another sip from her bottle.

"Yep that would be the one. But Roth deserved it, he shot Ryan for crying out loud. He was lucky Eli didn't kill him. "

"Would you still be waiting for him here if he did?"

Looking quickly to the bartender Scarlet gives him a dirty look.

"What kind of question is that?"

Holding up his hands the bartender shakes his head and laughs.

"Alright, alright...it was just a question. I'll let you be now."

Shaking her head and laughing again Scarlet gives a glance at the clock and than around the room. She would wait a little while longer to see if Eli showed up.

Looking into the living room from the kitchen Ryan throws a towel at her brother. She'd been trying to cook dinner, and now he wanted her to get the door?

"You lazy sack of poop, I am trying to put the dishes away and YOUR just sitting there flipping through the channels on the tv. I thought you had a date or something tonight."

Shaking her head and giving a laugh so that Eli new she was wasn't that upset about it Ryan heads to the front door not quit sure who it was.

Seeing Alec as she opened the door Ryan couldn't help the grin that instantly crossed her face. The last few days had been long and boring without being able to see Alec. Work, come home talk about nonsense with Eli and thats was about it. So seeing Alec now was a breath of fresh air, and a releaf knowing her was ok.

"Boy are you a sigh for sore eyes. Come on in."

Stepping to the side so Alec could come in the house Ryan closes the door behind her before motioning him to come into the kitchen with her so she could finish up what she was doing.

"I thought something happened to you. The last two times I went to TJY they said I couldn't see you. I was going to go crazy thinking you were dead or they shipped you away. Thank goodness I was wrong for both. Is everything ok?"

Sitting in the small chair over by the window Hope quietly read her book. She wanted to be here when Scott woke up in case he was disoriented, and confused. She just felt it right that she be there for him.

Hearing Scott's voice it was soft, but Hope new it was his. Putting her book down on the small table she is quick to move to the side of the bed along with a glass of fruit juice for him.

"I'm here Scott. It's ok, try and drink some of this juice."

Holding up the cup for Scott Hope helps him the best she can in the dim lit room. Not saying much else yet as she didn't want to over work his brain just yet.

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