

Hope gives a small nod of her head. She understood in a way how Scott must feel and now she new what it felt like to watch someone be torchered and not be able to stop it, not knowing if they would come out and it hurt even more.

"Alec said that was the only way to bring you out of the state you were in was to jolt your brain and thats why he asked to come to help."

Bringing a gentile hand to the side of Scott's face Hope offered another smile for the man she had loved more than anyone. There time was running out, and she new that but there was nothing else she could do. Staying here with Scott and offering all the comfort she could was all.

"Its ok thought Scott, your safe and as long as I am here, I wont let anything hurt you. Do you wanna try and eat a little something? I can go get you some soup or a sandwich?"

Listing to Alec's words about the other woman, and the night club Ryan could feel her gut churn. It hurt hearing him say he hit it off with another woman, and would of left with her. But at the same times another emotion stirred inside of her knowing he didn't want to take away her happiness and he had come back for her. It was odd feeling hurt, but feeling joy at the same time and both crashed together battling to win.

"I guess you deserve getting the crap kicked out of you than."

Turning back to the stove the battle still rages, Ryan's upset side wanting to take it out on Alec, but another side that told her to forgive him and remember all the time they had shared together. She had been close to other people sure but he was just different.

Shutting the stove top off the the potatoes didn't burn Ryan looks down at the spoon Alec was holding for a long moment before speaking again.

"But that wouldn't have changed me helping you."

Stepping closer to him again Ryan takes the spoon from his hand and places it on the counter before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Racing can be found anywhere, but actually finding the one person you connect so well with in this world is a rare thing. You make me happy Alec, race now it fun and I love doing it but....I like you better."

Leaning into Alec Ryan's battle was over as her lips brushed his and than moved to the side of his face and than to his neck lingering there for a long moment before moving back up to his lips again. Letting her passion flow as she keeps the kiss deep running her fingers through his hair.

Pulling away slightly her eyes twinkle as a grin formed on her lips looking into his eyes.

"That's a reminder of what you would be leaving behind next time you ran off without me."

Stopping abruptly as the man steps in front of her blocking the the door Scarlet cross her arms over her chest and just looks at him for a long moment a bit of irritation on her face.

"Oh I can leave if you'd get out of my way. Its not smart to try and stop me you know."

Rolling her eyes as the guy would not get out of her way even as he backtracked her words Scarlet just figured he was one of the wanna be thugs who came into the bar trying to hook up with a girl.

"Ok, fine I'll bit but you better watch your words or I'll have your head spinning so fast you wont know what happened!! Now why can't I leave?"

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