
One too many

Leo gives a little sigh, but goes ahead and turns the car towards Wendy's. "Sorry. I know you were looking forward to a night out, but you're right... I don't feel much like being out and about. Staying in sounds good. You get to pick the movie though to make up for it, okay?"

It only takes a few minutes to get into the line at the drive thru, and Leo stops behind another few cars. Leaning his elbow by the window, he rests his head on his curled hand, his other hand tapping lightly on the steering wheel. "I... had words with my ex." It sounded ridiculous, but he knew Cassy wouldn't mind him talking about it. "It wasn't bad, just... well, it was my fault. I guess I just haven't been able to let go."

His eyes bounce between the cars in front of him and the menu board. "Then I found out I'm at the bottom of the stack again down at Baxtor. One long nap later, I was late to pick you up, but my head feels like it got one too many kicks today."

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