

Reese nods again. He hated telling all this to Sapphire, even though it had to be done. He knew he needed to tell Dalton about it too. "I think Hope is going to take care of Domino, but you can ask her about that. If you-"

His words are brought to a sudden halt as he sees Ryan and Alec and hears her shouting for him. "Good land... Sapphire, I'll keep you updated about Scott." Getting up quickly, he jogs towards Ryan and Alec, having no idea what really was going on. The Agency? Great.

Coming alongside, he takes some of Alec's weight. "It was the Agency?"

Alec nods, wincing as they move down the hall. "Yeah..."

"We thought you split on us."

"Do you really think I'd be back here if that were the case?" Alec hisses, cringing as they stop at the infirmary.

Reese shakes his head. "No. I'd have a harder time believing that one. Rick!"

Rick was right nearby and opens the door for them, his eyes widening. "Alec. Ryan? What on earth happened?"

"Agency," Reese confirms.

Rick knew that meant it was serious. The Agency was far from nice when it came to beatings. It had been proven one too many times. "Get him on the bed over there. Take off his jacket and shirt." He moves quickly to gather what he needs.

Alec bites his tongue from cursing as he's laid on the bed. Every bone in his body hurt. With Reese's and Ryan's help, he gets his jacket and shirt off, exposing the black and blue marks all along one side of his rib cage.

Rick is solemn as he comes back, taking it all in at a glance. "Pretty. Who cleaned up your face?"

Alec gestures to Ryan. "She did."

"Good." Rick nods to Ryan. "You did a good job. At least we can hold on that for a while. Looks like you might need some stitches though, Alec."


Rick smirks and sets about examining Alec. It takes longer than expected... Rick wanted to be sure that there were no rib fragments to cause any damage, so x-rays were taken. Eventually though, Alec is in bed again, this time to stay for a while. His ribs were taped and he had stitches in two places on his face. An ice pack had started to take the swelling from his eye, and pain killers had made it livable.

A bit groggy from it all, he looks over to Ryan. "Show's over." He waves at her.

Reese was still present. "Maybe for now. But you've got a lot of explaining to do."


"No. Tomorrow morning. Get some rest first." He wanders over to Rick, speaking more quietly. "I'm going to have Phinox spend the night on guard, just in case anything happens."

Alec catches Ryan's eye and shakes his head slightly. See? They didn't trust him, just like he'd said.

"Scott?" Jenny knocks on his door for the second time. Still receiving no response, she lets herself in slowly, seeing Scott was still curled up on the bed. Her warm smile returns and she approaches carefully. "Scott, are you awake?"

Scott opens his eyes and gives a little nod.

"We've got some supper downstairs. Some broccoli soup and homemade bread... do you feel like eating?"

Scott shakes his head, making no move to get up. His stomach hurt badly from not eating in over a day now. But he wanted nothing.

Jenny lets out a small sigh. "You know if you don't eat, the doctor will have to come in and take care of you. He'll move you to another building and put you on an IV and it's not any fun. You don't want that, do you?"

Scott shakes his head again.

"Well alright then... how about I bring you some bread and some fruit juice and you can eat it whenever you like?"

Scott nods numbly.

Jenny smiles. "Okay. I'll be back in a few minutes. Do you want grape juice or apple juice?" Receiving no response, her smile doesn't fade. "I'll bring you both and you can have what you want."

Left alone again, Scott finally moves. He was stiff all over and felt sick. Standing up, he wobbles a little before wandering over to one of his windows. It was growing dark. Lights dotted the grounds below and a few people were milling around outside. He slowly reaches out and places his palm on the cool class. And in his mind, he was in Hope's old office, standing at the tall window that he'd looked out of as he'd talked to her. It was warm and bright and peaceful. Then just as quickly, reality was back, and he was back in this little room again.

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