

"Right... right." Alec gives Ryan a sidelong glance as she kisses his cheek, his fingers tightening a little around hers. "I think I'm just gonna... take a moment..." His eyes drift shut. "And... rest... or something..." Or something. He was already asleep too exhausted to stay awake any longer.

Rick keeps an eye on him for a while and eventually lets Ryan know that he should be find for the night and she could leave. With Alec still asleep, Rick leaves for a while as well, making sure Phinox was out in the hall to keep an eye on things, whether it was Agency or Alec pulling a fast one.

The night goes quietly without any mishaps. Alec sleeps most of it through and does pretty much what Rick tells him. At this point he was hurting enough that he really didn't care as long as he got more pain killers. By the time morning comes around, he's sitting up a little in bed and managing to eat a little for breakfast, but he was even more sore than the day before so Reese puts off the questioning until that afternoon.

Eli downs his cup of coffee on the way through the kitchen, late for work. He'd gotten home late last night, in time to just go to bed, so he hadn't yet spoken to his sister since she'd been upset with him about Alec. He'd decided it was better to just let the whole thing lie for now until it had cooled off a little bit.

Grabbing his jacket, he's out the door, only to realize he didn't have his keys. Back in the apartment, he scrounges around the kitchen, his bedroom, then to the living room, having no idea where he'd set his motorcycle keys.

Scott sits on his bed, his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs as he stares into nothingness. He didn't have his contacts with him, but he hadn't bothered using his glasses either. He'd just as soon not see anything clearly. Dr. Hawks was supposed to see him sometime today, but for now, he'd only left his room to go to the bathroom and to wander down one flight of stairs once. He'd ended up drinking a little juice and nibbling on some bread last night, but he'd refused breakfast this morning. No... he would just sit.... and wait. Wait for time to pass. Would Hope come? He didn't know. He didn't even know what he'd say to her if she did.

Jenny makes her rounds upstairs with a garbage sack, emptying waste baskets. It was usually the janitor's job, but during slow times, she gladly picked up the slack and helped out with some housekeeping as well as being an aid.

Checking the trash in the hall at the end of the second floor, she dumps the waste basket, but something seemed heavier than it should. Thinking she should check it, she rummages through the bag to find what had been so heavy. In the end, she pulled out two objects. One was a very expensive camera, and the other was a box of film. Furrowing her brow, she just looks at them, wondering why on earth they were here. No one on staff owned a camera like this that she knew of, or at least wouldn't have it here at work. And none of the... wait... She had seen this before. Yes, it had been on Scott's table last night. Then she remembers reading in his file that one of his pastimes was photography. Jenny knows without asking that he had thrown this away intentionally. Something about being here had made him feel that his hobby was useless. Whether it was because he thought there was no one to take pictures for, he was giving up on things he enjoyed because he wanted to be miserable, or because he thought now that he was here, that the hobby in itself had no point. Maybe it was a combination.

Jenny sighs, but doesn't return the camera to the trash. No, she would take it to the lost and found for now where they would keep it safe. If Scott stayed here long enough to recover, he might later regret having thrown it away. If he was ever ready again, his camera would be waiting.

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