
Old Friend

Picking up the phone Angel listens to Mick her eyebrow raising just a little. Dylan had been in her office and took something? Everything was usually locked up, unless he picked the lock and if he did than it would be easy to tell what he took.

"No, no need to have BJ come out again. I'll see if Wendy want to come with me to help. Clint has Chase at the moment so it should be no problem for her to help. Thanks Mick, I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

Hanging up the phone Angel makes her way over to where he daughter was waiting for her. They were going to put together some scrapbooks while they had the free time with Clint off of work today but that would just have to wait.

"Wendy I know you had your heart set on scrap booking, and I promise we will get a little in, but Mick has a little problem and needs me to go through my inventory back at the office to see if anything was miss. I was hoping your could help me. After that we can do the scrap books ok?"

Giving a smile at her mother Wendy nods. She didn't mind helping out as long as she was spending time with her. Even though they both lived here at the ranch sometimes it was hard spending time together between work, and being home with Chase so anytime together was better than nothing.

..Then time passed and seeing the can bits that were open had made the process easy on finding what was taken. Angel and Wendy had double checked the list on what was meant to be in there at least three times making sure they hadn't made a mistake and accusing anyone of taking anything.

Letting Wendy go back to the dinning hall Angel promised she would be right over so they could continue there time together.

Going to her desk and picking up the phone to call Rosetta's office Angel waits till she hears Mick's voice on the other end. Leaning back in her chair she had the information written down, and already was noting next time Luke went into town her got her some new locks and a lock for the office door as well. Though it felt strange thinking about locking it here, Angel new maybe it was for the best.

"Hey Mick, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Wendy and I went over the invintory about three times and came up with the same thing each time. A bottle of seven hundred and fifty ml of Vicodin was missing. About twenty pills in the bottle."

Being taken in Leo's arms Cassy can't help the laugh that escape as she lets out her own little whoop before looking back at Leo gasping for air between her laughs.

"I think its more like you fixed it. The most I did was got in the way, and watched you bang your hand over and over again. I guess I could of been the cheer leader."

As the dancing stops Cassy can't help the smile that was still on her face. Glancing down at her watch she realized why she felt so hungry again it was almost dinner time. I guess the saying time pass when your having fun really did apply here.

"Thank you so much once again Leo. Your help has been great. Soon though everything is going to be done here and than I am going to have to start breaking things myself to have you come fix them."

Giving a small laugh Cassy can't help but take in Leo for a moment sweat and all. There was something about him that was appealing know he'd just dont some hard work in fixing something. Giving a grin and shaking her head Cassy cross her arms over her chest for a moment before saying anything more.

"I'd ask you over for dinner to see if you wanted me to cook for you, but I'd hate to over stay my welcome with you."

Arriving to the base where Wes would stay and find out more about his mission he scans the area. There were many faces he new but there was just one he was looking for. Spotting the blond Wes gives a grin walking over to him.

"Well if it isn't Riley Lovit. I should of known you wouldn't have missed out on the action."

Hearing a voice behind him the blond turns around quickly his blue eyes giving Wes a once over almost angry at first. But than a grin quirks on his mouth as he held his hand out to Wes.

"Wes you should know me better than that. After all we did go through boot camp and everything else together. When I found out you were going to be the captain of a squad again I couldn't not sign up to see my buddy."

Giving a smile and shaking his head Wes was kind of glad at least his long time friend was here. He missed home terribly already but knowing his buddy was around at least helped a little.

Starting to walk again Wes slings his arm around Riley's shoulder to pull him along the way to the barrics to see what was going on. Some catching up was in order, after they found out what was going on.

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