
I sawed him

Giving a small shake of her head Hope continues to stand. She'd been sitting most of the day and how she just wanted to stand. Maybe for a quick exit if she needed it or more as a punishment to herself for not asking Alec's help sooner for Scott. It could be ether of those answers but for now she was ok standing.

Moving a little closer to the bed though Hope listens very intently to what Alec said to say trying to take everything in and understanding what was going on.

"So, if we can get Scott to control his anger, and at least care about getting better than we have a good chance of helping his train his brain to deflect all this information thats being throw at him."

The look on Hope's face was on that continued to process the information taking in and her mind working on the solution. They had the answer now, and it was a jump but at least it was something they new they had to work to. Now it was filling in the middle that had to be done, and though that could be just as hard Hope was confident in the new information she had to grasp.

Looking back at Alec and cocking her head a little Hope searches his eyes. To most they would still see the cocky air that this man had, but Hope in her profession had learned to look past that, to read behind the cover most people put forth and something was different about Alec. A differnt look lied in his eyes, a spark, a hope, maybe even a care for someone else.

"I guess thats the funny thing that even all my schooling could never understand. When you care about someone, it doesn't matter how much heartache it causes to see them smile and be well again its worth it in the long run."

Giving another smile Hope turns to leave than stops turning back to Alec again. Her eyes seemed to twinkle a little even if they still held sadness. A small spark of hope was there now, a renewed strength that there was in fact a way to help Scott. Tomorrow she would have a talk with Dr. Hawks.

"Thank you Alec very much for shearing this information with me. It's helped a great deal even if nothing has come of it yet. I'll make sure Reese knows you helped me today. Thank you so much once again Alec. It means a lot."

Giving a nod to Rick Hope would talk with him more later but for now she wanted to head to where her stuff was to write a few things down before she forgot and than see if Reese was still in to chat with.

Almost running into Mick as he opened the door BJ skidded to a halt trying to catch his breath the best he could. Just standing there BJ leans an arm against Mick still catching his breath till finally he stands up straght again.

"I...was following Dylan..and he went into Angel's office and he took something from her cabinet. I sawed him, he put it in his pocket. And than he tried to stop me from telling you but I was to fast and slipped away before he could grab me."

BJ gives a smile to Mick as he trys to catch his breath again after his long explantion combined with still trying to breath from running.

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