
Not eating

Arriving at Ryan's, Alec seems a little surprised that she would bring him here. "Experiments, huh?" He nods a little. "I think that would be a very productive thing to do."

Glancing down to the car clock, he sighs. "Unfortunately, a need for food will leave little room for lengthier experimentation."

Looking back over to Ryan, a little grin makes his mouth twitch. "Not that I'll pass up the shorter experiments." Leaning over closer to her, his rough palm cups the side of her face, his voice lowering to a whisper. "Maybe we'll find out I've got what you've been missing."

As his lips find hers, his eyes fall shut and he kisses her gently and gradually more passionate. An eternity within a single moment.

Drawing away, he sends light kisses over her eyes and nose, winding up back at her lips again to end the sweet moment. "Okay... now I'm ready for lunch."

Alec scoots back over and gets out of her car, looking around at the apartments before following her inside. Upon entering, his eyes take in everything, his gaze ricocheting between windows, hallways and doors, calculating where every entry and exit was. Ambling into the kitchen, his sights go to the grocery list on the refrigerator, then what occupied the counter tops, taking note of what he saw and how it did or didn't jive with what he thought Ryan's tastes were. "Did you say you lived with your brother?"

Scott swallows hard, looking down. "I didn't mean to shut you out. I just..." He'd fallen into his dark little world again and didn't know how to climb back out. "I've just been trying to figure out how to get over this thing or... or find a key to straighten out my mind and all the tangled data. But... but nothing works."

He would have said more, but the food arrives and he pulls back, falling silent again. Picking around his food, it's obvious that he isn't intending on eating any more today than he had been lately. A few bites and he's back to running his fork through it and making it look like he was eating more than he was.

Eventually, he finally speaks again. "I didn't mean to leave you hanging the last couple weeks either. Time just... melted all together and I've been keeping myself so busy that I guess I didn't even realize how many days had gone by. Just keep calling me, okay?" He looks up in earnest. "I don't know... how... to let anybody else in. I don't know what will help. I talk it out, but the problem is still here. I think I get over it and then I have another nightmare. I just want.... I want something different... I want to get as far removed from the Agency and Elite as I can. Maybe with less exposure to what data is in my mind, the less it will crop up."

He glances back down again and drags a noodle across his plate, not having realized that he had just separated all the types of food on his plate, categorizing everything as if his actions were trying to compartmentalize everything just like his mind had done.

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