
Could find out

As Alec comes even closer to her Ryan's heart picks it up once again pounding in her chest, in her ears. Her breathing already becoming rapped to made the heart beat though she does her best to stay calm.

The counters of her mouth turn up a little more the fire in her eyes seeming to burn a little brighter as she gives a little squint at Alec.

Suddenly Being pulled to him Ryan's arms automatically go around his shoulders her one hand finding the back of his head like it had so many times before. Her fingers wrapping around his hair as he kissed her neck, a low noise forming in her throat. As the light kiss go up to her cheekbone Ryan's grasp on his hair loosens and her finger move to rack through his soft strands of hair. A chuckle forms at his comment about his sweet tooth.

Feeling his lips so close to her, his breath on her own Ryan gives him a soft kiss before retreating.


Ryan brings her lips to his again letting it linger just a little while longer as her other hand finds its way to the side of his face, her finger tip running lightly along his jaw and his neck as she pulls away again.

"...they are fun, but I don't know how sweet I am. I guess you could find out."

Her hand finally finding his back as she tightens her own grip around him keeping him close to her. Her sweet, soft lips pressed to his once again the the emotions flooded over. His lips against her, the sweetness of the kiss, it put her in a trance. They were the only ones who matter, they had the world and time at there finger tips.

"Your not worried about that Scott but I am, and I have to sit back and watch not being able to do anything. Going to bed at night and wondering if your ok. Waking up, not hearing from you and asking myself if you made it though the night alright because I have no idea whats going on, because you wont talk to me. You wont tell me when your scared or angry, you wont call me when you had a nightmare. I know nothing and thats worse than knowing everything."

The emotions flow through Hope's eyes and pool behind them. Scott had been doing so well and now, now it was falling apart. With every day Scott didn't get better, and Hope worried she could feel another part of herself break away. She cared so dang much and she felt so dang helpless.

Looking down at her own plate Hope's hungry seemed to just go away itself. She didn't feel like eating right now eater. Again reaching across the table Hope rests her hand on top of his hand that was clenched, running her finger lightly over his skin. He wanted to change the subject, she didnt but she would respect his wish anyways.

"Come see a movie tonight with me? I'd like that."

Rosetta gives a smile and a nod at her husband. She was so proud of him for accepting that his brother had been helping her out so well. She didn't mind at all raising Sparky's pay her certainty did deserve it.

"Sparky has been my right hand man for a long time with helping me around here. I don't see another problem with him continuing to help me. I think raising his pay a little could be manageable as well."

Looking down at her papers again to make a small note about changing a few things with Sparky's own paperwork.

At Mick's change in subject Rosetta gives a small laugh and a nod of her head as she looks up at her husband.

"Yeah he does a lot from what I can see. Its good to see him happy, and smile again."

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