


Ryan continues the kiss her lips taking in Alec's kiss. This was what was different, the way he kissed her, the way he touched her it sent chill over her whole body. In between her own gasps for air Ryan is able to talk.

"Sweet and Spicy the...."

Ryan's hands fingers continue to run along Alec's arm, and his neck, to his back on more her other hand on his head keeping him close to her still.

"...hunger continues to taunt."

Feeling Alec's hand run down her leg Ryan wraps her legs around his wast even though she was still sitting on the counter.

"The cake is in the fridge top shelf."

Ryan losens her grip a little bit so if Alec wanted to get it her could but her legs stay wrapped around him, and her lips continue to meet his, not being able to break free of her addiction for them.

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