
In the wind

It hurt as Hope stood at the outside of the car contemplating for a long moment. Later she new the tears would come, but for now they were head at bay. Even though the sick feeling was in her stomach.

"I'll sit in the back with him. I have another sedative if we need it."

Slipping into the backseat Hope puts Scott's head in her lap as she gently hand her hand through his hair. This was the least she could do was keep him comfortable while they drive.

Leaning her head back as they started out Hope watched the scenes fly by. Every thing was in a blurr to her as her mind was wondering. To filled with her own thoughts that nothing seemed to take shape or form.

Finding Reese eyes in the rear view mirror she tried to give a smile but it didn't come out to good.

"Can you put a little soft music on? When Scott wakes it might help him stay calm."

Sitting in the couch with a bowl of ice cream in hand Ryan flipped through the tv channels. Nothing was one, there was nothing to do. The ice cream seeming to bring her a little comfort. It had been a few days since Alec had been gone, no word, no call nothing. Was he really gone? Leaving the memories of Ryan in the wind?

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