
Best bet

Heading inside with Scott and Reese Hope stays close with her hand on Scott's back. Even if he hated her, wanted nothing to do with her Hope wanted him to know she was there. She would be visiting him often in the hosp, almost every day taking the two hour drive. Just because he was here in this didn't mean she wasn't his Dr anymore or his friend.

Extending her other hand to Dr. Hawking Hope smiles and gives a nod. She was leery herself yet of this place only because she didn't know the people but from her research she could tell no one here would harm Scott.

"Can you show Scott and I to his room? I'd like to get him settled and he's probably tired from the trip. I know you will have questions and what not but I think its best he rested first."

Still offering her smile Hope new what the protocol was and everything that had to be done inside the hospital having worked long side a place like this before. But Scott did need to rest a little before he fell down with the sedative still wearing off.

"Reese can brief you a little while I get Scott settled and than if you need to know anything more, or the copy's of his paper work I have them with me and would be more than happy to talk with you. Though I will be here quite often myself any questions you have I'd be more than happy to answer."

Continuing to clean Alec up Ryan listens to him. A small grin forming on her lips at his mention to making out with him.

"And you were worried I'd sock you if you tried anything."

Going back to the first aid kit and getting some ointment and bandages Ryan places them over his cuts still listing to him. So thats why he hadn't made it back to TJY the Agency got him. He was lucky to have gotten away before they killed him. A seeming of re leaf washed over Ryan Alec really hadnt left her.

"Well first off, there Dr at TJY can do a lot better with fixing you up than I can. Plus if you double crossed them why would you go back? If you don't go our only say yes thats what I did. Taking one glance at you Alec I don't think they are going to think that. I think your best bet, is going because if you don't than when they catch you there will be no explaing... I will come with you."

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