
Coming to

Reese nods to Hope and reaches for the radio. He goes through the stations until he finds one he knew Scott would enjoy. It was a classical station. Reese himself didn't care for classical music, but he knew it was Scott's favorite, and right now he'd be willing to do just about anything to make Scott more comfortable.

The ride is a long one. A two -hour stretch never seemed to take so long. But long before the time was up, Scott begins to stir.

Shifting his weight a little bit, Scott opens his eyes groggily. Everything was a bit blurry. He had a really nice feeling though... it felt like someone was running their fingers through his hair. It was soothing... relaxing... wait, who was doing it?

Trying to move and finding it difficult to move any of his muscles, his heart rate picks up. Where was he? Why were they moving? Why couldn't he get his body to move? He realizes his head is in someone's lap and he sensed who it was now.

"Hope?" His voice is hoarse and weak as he tried to pull out of the first sedative. "Where am I? What's going on?"

"Hey." Eli leans over the back of the couch to look down at Ryan. "Thought you'd be pampering your car on your day off." He looks at her inquisitively. She seemed extra quiet today.

"I gotta go into work for a few hours but that's it. Gotta run to the store later - need anything?"

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