

Rosetta gives a small nod to Mick. She already new they wouldn't see eye to eye. She had the way she felt, and he had the way he felt...they were two completely different views that clashed.

"I am sure we wont Mick."

Giving smile to Mick and reaches out brushing her hand along his cheek. Stopping at his jaw line to whip some dirt off.

"Like I said, I'll stand behind you but don't tell Dan short to quick is all I ask. He's a good guy, with a strong christian faith of his own. He's made mistakes like us all but he's learned. So all I asked it just...not to jump to quickly."

She just wanted Mick to know how she felt, but no matter what happened she still would be behind him. Giving him the support he needed. Right now Mick was going to need all the help he could to stay on his own right path. If Rosetta had to sacrifice a little for him, than that is what she would do to help him all she could.

Working on her car Ryan doesn't even notice Leo coming into the shop. Lost in her own little world today thing just didn't seem to be going right. She'd made it to work on time but since she had been here her brain just wasn't with it.

Hearing Jed's voice Ryan looks up for a moment, but seeing he was talking to Leo and no one else she looks back down at the car engine. She had to get this right, she had to get this done. But hearing Leo's comment back Ryan couldn't help but snap her head up again. She cheats....Those words sent a gut ranching feeling to Ryan's stomach, her eyes locking with Leo's the pain that surged through them was nothing that had ever been seem before, and the the sick feeling could of almost made her double over right there. She was a rock, a stone wall but something about what Leo had said really hurt.

Finally looking away from him Ryan looks down at the wrench in her hand just twirling it for a moment. She could feel the wet sensation build in her eyes. The fire hot tears that wanted to pour over even though she willed them not to. She wouldn't cry, not here. She was stronger than that.

Turning back to her car and behind over the engine Ryan continues to work once again trying to block out all else. Tonight she would race, tonight she would get lost in the rush, she just had to make to it tonight...when she could be free.

Pulling her car up along side Scott Hope gets out with a small basket in hand. Getting out and making her way over to Scott who sat on the hood of his car. Giving him a smile she reached out to touch his hand. It'd been a day maybe even almost two since she last saw him, and oh how she had missed him.

"Hey there...You sure are a sight for sore eyes."

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