

Hearing David's voice on the other side of the phone Marge couldn't help but sit up a little straighter. It had been a while since David had been back so now actually hearing his voice was nice.

"Oh yeah I can get that for you no problem. Give me one second to pull up his account here."

Clicking some buttons on the computer Marge looks for Mr. Hans number. Taking a little longer than normal Marge finally finds it.

"Here we go. Its 548-789-6030. Good luck when you talk to him, he was a little upset yesterday. Maybe he's calmed down a little since than."

Making her way through the hospital like she had the last few days Hope path changes a little as she does not go straght to Scott's room but to Dr. Hawks office.

Giving a soft tap on the door Hope waits for her permissions to enter and than does so. Today she had a new renewed energy. Something to grasp onto in order to help Scott.

"Good Morning Dr. Hawk I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time."

Sitting down in one of the chairs across from the Dr. desk Hope folds her hands in her lap. She hoped this information would help him too.

"So, I happened to have a resource of someone who knows about what Scott went through with the Agency and he was about to give me a low down on everything. If you have the time I'd like to share, I think it can help us."

Starting at the beginning of the conversation that Hope had with Alec she tells Dr. Hawks everything she new. Not skating around anything, and just laying it all out. Explaining in some places for the Dr. better when she could see the confused look on his face. Finally after the explanation was over Hope draw to her conclusion of why she was telling him all this.

"So what it comes down to is once we can get Scott's anger uncontrolled, give him a way to physical get everything out when he needs to we have one thing out of the way and can start working on the other. After that we need to help train his mind to suppress all the data and turn it off when he needs to."

Hope was confadint even though she new they still had a long way to go in this road and one thing above everything else she new would be the hardest.

"I think the toughest part is going to be getting Scott to care again though."

Sitting on the edge of the bed as a nurse drew her blood. A small bag was packed and sitting on the floor. For now, and Lord willing this would be the last time she saw this hosp. Sparky would be here soon to pick her up. She was finally going home. From there Angel would take over her care, and keep checking up on her making sure all was well.

"There you go dear. I promise not to take anymore blood from you before you go. You take care of yourself ok? I don't want to see you back in here sick."

The older nurse smiled at Faith sweetly before taking the viles of blood and leaving the room.

Leaning back on the best once she was gone Faith smiled. She still had a long road to recover and it was still hard for her to some normal things without getting tired or dizzy but she was alive, and that alone was something to be happy about.

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