
Who's the cook?

Feeling Libby lock his ankle, Ty can't help the grin on his face, though he says nothing, just continuing with the conversation. "Yeah, I know that little strip mall with Cassy's Ice Cream... most stuff there is open today. 'Bout the only place that is." He shrugs. "Something to do."

Shifting his legs around, he wriggles his foot away from hers just to lock her leg in at her calf with both his feet. The teasing glint remained in his eye as he took another bite of his wrap. "Careful," he warns slyly. "I might have to implement some Elite moves."

Alec looks back up at Ryan, so close very close to a grin as it hid just beneath the surface behind the coy glint in his eye. "I can think of several ways to have fun until then but I highly doubt you'd play along."

Taking another bite of food, he lets any further comments slide and just enjoys the taste for a few minutes before speaking again. "Why do you think they won't put me in prison, hmm?" He looks up with one eye. "I deserve it, according to law. If you were one of the women I'd tortured, you'd think I deserved it too. Yet you try to give me hope." He shakes his head. "I don't get it."

He scrapes the final mashed potatoes from the plate, getting every last bit he could. Tomorrow it would be back to Hal's servings of tv dinners, so he wasn't about to waste any of this. The green beans were gone now too, so he finally enjoys one of the rolls with butter, switching subjects again. "You cook all this?"

Jade sits next to Dan at the long dinner table, her hand intertwined with his out of sight. It was a noisy family dinner - but with as many people who were there, it wasn't surprising. Chatter bounced off the walls, glasses and silverware clinked. There was a mountain of food and even more dessert waiting in the kitchen.

Jade's eyes sparkled more than normal as she continues to eat, every so often glancing at Dan and grinning. She knew he probably felt a little out of place, but she was happy he was here anyway, and she was glad that Ben was including Dan in on some of the conversations with some of the other guys.

Everybody had been quite shocked to learn of Jade's engagement. The reactions had been varied though. Jade's female cousins had squealed and jumped up and down with her until she'd pulled Dan right into the mix, laughing and dragging him along. Her aunts and uncles had just about fainted, though had remained polite. The only real negative reaction had been from Jade's grandmother, who had simply turned up her nose and said, "Oh, I see." Her stare could be felt at the table, but Jade ignored it, hoping Dan could too.

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