
Races Paradise

Seeing how cold Alec was not it seemed to kill Ryan on the inside though on the outside she wouldnt let it show. She had seen the good in Alec once, he was drunk...but she had seen the good there anyways. Now to see him like this though...it was sad.

"No, I didn't I just same to see you. I got a brother thats in jail and I don't get to see him than I got to thinking about you, and I didnt know if anyone came to see you or not. So I figured why not come and see you.  I liked you from the moment I met you, we just didnt start out on the right foot and that was my own fault. So sorry about that."

Ryan stops for a moment holding the book in her hand. She didn't even know why she was here competely, but yet she stood in front of the door talking to Alec. Even saying she was sorry to him.

"I guess all in all I thought maybe you could use a friend even if you didnt want one. Oh and I brought this for you too."

Ryan takes a few steps twords Alec and sets the book down next to him.. On the cover were 3 different colored cars. It seemed the pictures were taken from a race about 3 months past. Ryan sat on the bright red car, and two others on the other ones. Under them were different adds for car parts, and car assessories, and in big words it read: "Races Paradise.

"You seemed interested in cars and I though you might to look through that to pass the time. I have so many different ones of those its not funny. So if you end up liking it, I'll bring the others for you too."

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