

Ryan's apology catches Alec enough off guard that he misses his next catch and the ball bounces through his fingers, hitting the edge of the cot and rolling into the corner under a table. She was sorry? What game was she playing here?

He finally turns his head to look up at her, his eyes narrowing as he studies her. She seemed genuine... she didn't look like she was lying. Her body language was more nervous than anything else. And why not? She was alone with a criminal.

A brother in jail was interesting. But why she liked Alec, he had no idea, unless she liked drunks. What was with the magazine? For him? He didn't get it.

Curiosity gets the best of him, and he reaches for the magazine, studying the cover for a moment, then thumbing through a few pages. There was a lot of information with a lot of neat pictures of cars in here. Ryan must not be too bad a racer to get on the cover. Alec hadn't had any reading material since he got here... some of that had to do with the fact that he always refused the offers. But still, this was quite different. The questions still nagged at him though.

Letting the pages fall shut, Alec looks up at Ryan again. His eyes were so cold... so hard. Windows to the soul, they showed a lack of life and a heart encased in an iron shell. "So what's the catch?" he asks. "People just don't waltz in to see me and act all nice and give me something for no reason. There's always a catch. But if you're not smart enough to see that I don't got nothin' to give, it's your own fault."

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