

Giving a rather large yawn and than taking the last sip of his Moutain Dew Dalton stands. He hadn't realized how stiff his legs had gotten sitting in one spot for almost twenty four hours.

"Yeah, I could go for something to eat. Need something to soak up all the DM we drank. I am starting to feel like a fish."

Fishing some change out of one of the desk draws Scott and himself always though the loss change in He starts to head for the door. But hearing Scott's phone go off Dalton stop's leaning aganst the wall. It could be JT, and something important he didn't want to miss.

Heading out of the interrogation room Hope finds her way to where Reese was still holding onto her files. Giving a serous look to Reese she nods.

"He wasn't trying to kill himself Reese, so you have nothing to worry about there. He wont talk to me, so...I better get back to work."

Leaving that room and than the building Hope makes her way to her own car. Getting in and starting it up she lets it run for a long moment. Taking out her phone Hope dials Scott's number and waits. Hearing him pick up on the other line Hope starts with a little cheery greeting.

"Good Morning loving boyfriend of mine. I need you to do something for me. I need you and Dalton to meet me at Mom and Pop's and dont let anyone on to where your going. I am heading over there now, we need to talk."

Keeping the conversation light, and a little informative Hope didn't want anyone to overhear the wrong thing on the phone and new Mom and Pop's was probably one of the safest places to go.

Looking up at Sparky as he steps a little close Faith can feel a jump in her heart that turns into a soft pitter patter. Looking up into Sparky's blue eyes Faith can't help the smile that spread across her lips.

Taking her fingers she brings it to the brim of Sparky's hat and pushes up a little to reveal his face a little more. Just continuing to look into his eyes Faith gives a small chuckle keeping him from going after the hay for a moment.

"But what if insane is fun, Maybe I'd like that."

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