

Scott is glad for the extra swig of sugar and caffeine and accepts the can from Dalton, giving him a grateful look. Most days he was fine, but then every once in a while if he was taken by surprise, the old fear came back.

Gunner listens intently to what Dalton had to say, nodding as he processed. "Sounds great." He glances to JT. "You still in this?"

JT gives a little scoff. "You kidding me? I hit the end of my limit today, Gunner. We're getting her out of there."

Gunner would have smiled had he been in a better mood. Instead, he looks back to the two other men. "Alright... give us all you got."

They had an hour and a half. At that time, they would have a window to get in past the guards at the security gate. Once they were past, they'd head for the side entrance. They would have to get around or go through one guard - there was no way around that one, but Gunner didn't let that pause their plans.

While they made their way inside, Dalton and Scott would work on the inside security cameras, making sure hallway one, five, three, seven and eleven were secure, along with Bree's room. Gunner's plan was to slip in unnoticed, get Bree, then simply slip back out again. The trick would be avoiding the night workers. There wouldn't be as many during the day, but it was still a risk. It was agreed that if someone saw them, they would high-tail it. But no one was to be harmed unless their own lives were in danger. JT and Gunner both agreed to this.

An hour after arriving at TJY, Gunner and JT were now armed with sidearms. Each had donned black gloves and both still wore their caps. Dark face paint had been applied, giving them ample cover in the dark. The only light areas were those of their own eyes.

Scott surveys them from behind the desk. "It looks like you're going to get dropped into deep Africa or something."

"Feels like it." Gunner smirks. "At least in Africa we'd have trees."

Scott nods and sighs. It was going to be a long night. But both he and Dalton had agreed to work as late as required. "Good luck, you two. Test out the mics as soon as you get there but before you get out of the car."

"Right." Gunner nods and looks to JT. "Ready?"

"I was born ready."

Watching the two men leave, Scott shakes his head. "I hope they know what they're doing. They should have more backup than this." He knew the reasons they couldn't, but it was going to make the mission much harder...

The car was parked across the street from Crescentview. Gunner didn't like being that close, but they would need the vehicle nearby for when they came back out with Bree. Both men check their earpieces and mics.

"Testing... one, two, Scott, buddy, you there?"

Scott grins, hearing Gunner's voice. "Roger that." He looks to Dalton to make sure he was up and running too. "All's clear. JT?"

"Hearing you loud and clear."

"Good deal." Scott's eyes look at both screens, working together with Dalton seamlessly to bring up the right camera shots for the facility. "Two guards at the front gate, ready to switch. One of 'em is smoking at the moment."

Gunner takes his binoculars and zooms in on the security booth. "Got 'em."

"Watch your left flank going in. We got a blind spot, but I think there's nothing but a bush." Scott looks back and forth between computers. "Be ready to go in five... four... three..."

Gunner and JT slip out of the car and are sure to shut the doors quietly before slinking across the street and sticking to the shadows. Right on time, the guards leave their posts. There was a thirty-second window where JT and Gunner could scale the gate.

As soon as it's clear, both start climbing, neither saying a word, and concentrating on just getting to the other side. Both drop silently to the ground, crouch, then sneak into the bushes right as the new guards come.

Gunner makes eye contact with JT and gestures to the side of the building. JT nods.

Scott waits, knowing that the two men were quiet for a reason. If he and Dalton didn't see them on camera, it was a good thing.

Gunner and JT wait for a passing light before jogging along the perimeter and then flattening themselves up against the building. Making their way around the side, they met the guard that could cause the most trouble. Staying hidden, Gunner waits a moment, then takes a deep breath. Stepping out of the shadows, he grabs the guard from behind, disarming him and putting a hand over his mouth at the same time. The guard gives a cry but it's too muffled for anyone to hear. He struggles with Gunner for several moments, but after being put in a chokehold, it's not long before a lack of oxygen puts him to sleep. Gunner lets him slide to the ground and is breathing heavily. He looks to JT and nods, keeping his voice low.

"Alright, Dalton, we're going in the east door."

JT grabs the guard's key card and swipes it on the pad by the door. It clicks and they know they're in.

"Kill the cameras," Gunner whispers to Dalton.

Entrance into the building and down the hall went without a hitch. There were even fewer people than planned on and Gunner and JT had a relatively easy job getting through the building and up to Bree's room. Heading down the hall, JT's gun is drawn and he watches Gunner's back as he waits for Scott and Dalton's signal that the electronic door was open.

Slipping into the dark room, Gunner squints, trying to figure out where everything was. His leg bumps a table and he stops, then he spots the small bed in the corner and the figure curled up and still. His hear leaps into his throat and he tries to keep his emotions at bay for now.

Approaching quietly but quickly, he kneels in front of the bed. "Bree?" he whispers, running a hand through her hair. "Bree... it's me.... I'm getting you out of here... can you wake up?

Ty follows along behind Libby, finding most of what she had to say interesting. Some games he recognized and tagged them in his mind for the future. Games he knew were the safest.

Getting to the last room, Ty quirks an eyebrow. He'd heard about this game before, but had never played it. A smile quirks the corner of his mouth. "I've been told you don't have to know a lick of music to play."

Taking another sip of his pop, he eyes Libby a moment, contemplating her offer for him to try. He didn't know what it entailed, and that was dangerous. "Let me watch you first," he suggests.

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