

Relieved that Amanda was coming, JT hangs up his phone and waits. He swivels in his seat to lean back and check on Bree, checking her pulse and responsiveness. He wasn't happy, but she was stable at the moment and that's all he could ask for.

Not long after his call, he spots headlights in the distance. He braces himself in case it is not a friend, but as it pulls up behind his car, he sees it's Amanda. He's out of the car by the time she gets to the back door and doesn't even have time to step into the lights from her car or to say anything before she's checking on Bree.

"No!" His response was short and harsh. "I've got to get her out of town."

Knowing that Amanda might fight him because of the doctor in her, he takes her by the shoulders and moves her away from the car so she can actually see him. He was still in black, his hair matted and sweaty and his face was still showing smeared face paint.

Looking her in the eye, his tone is stern. "Look, I don't have time to explain everything now. I got a whole squad of cops on my tail." His gaze begs her to believe him, his hands still on her shoulders. "I've got to get to Texas. Now if I can borrow your car, I'll have it driven back. Either that, or you'll have to come with us and drive so I can help Bree. But no matter what, I've got to get out of state. Please, Amanda... I'd only be asking you for this if I really needed it. Bree and I both need this vehicle, with or without you. Please... you have to trust me. But you've got to tell me in the next thirty seconds."

Ty squints a little at Libby, a smile playing with his lips again. She really was different. Shaking his head, he rolls his eyes and sets his cup down. "Cakewalk, huh?."

Reaching out, he takes the guitar and puts the strap up and over his shoulder. If Libby wanted him to play that badly, he would. He thought it looked like fun and if she didn't care he couldn't get through the words, then he didn't have a problem sticking around. "Alright. You read and I'll follow."

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