
Guitar Hero

Looking up from the computer Dalton gives a short nod as the two men enter giving a quick look to Scott he pushs a can of Mountain Dew twords him not wanting to make a big deal for Scott's sake but letting him know it was ok.

"Easy there buddy."

If anyone wanted to try and get to Scott they would have to go through him first and that was not an easy task.

Typing a few more things Dalton finally looks up at Gunner. A grin moves across his lips. He liked doing this even if it was against the law. It was still fun and it was to help someone else so it felt even better.

"I can do that. It will take a few moments after you guys get there to get the snap shots so the times are right. I can even get one of Bree's room as long as she stays still."

Dalton gave a sidelong glance to Scott. They both had seen that Bree had done little moving for the last days as they watched her, and the whole hospital without anyone knowing. He didn't want to come right out and say that to Gunner though. He was already worried enough.

"We have some mics set up for you guys to keep in contact with us. Scott can brief you on them. They are not like normal TJY issued ones so TJY cant get in trouble for all this. If anything goes wrong it will only be our butts on the line."

Sliding off the stool Libby grabs her own drink after it was refilled throwing some money on the counter. Starting to walk away from the counter she makes sure Ty is close behind before starting to point things out. It was nice today was not a busy day so it would be easyer to get in some game time too.

"This room here is the older games and when I mean older I mean old school. Zelda, Pac Man, Wave Racer, Punch Out, you man an old arcade game you use to play and I am sure its here."

Libby goes from mashean to mashean in the first room pointing out games, giving little background on them and just actually enojying having someone to listen to.

The rest of the tour goes pretty quick of the last 2 rooms with differnt games, and the small fast food place connected, where the bathrooms were, and just a place to sit and chat if you wanted while music played.

Circling around to a room they had not been to yet Libby gets a smile on her face as they enter. Here, was a single game that stood alone. On the side it read Guitar Hero.

"This here, is my most favorite game to play. They were going to take it out a little bit ago because the Guitar's kept breaking, but they said if I could fix it they would keep it. So now its still here and I love playing it. Look..."

Libby points to the screen. The top three high scores were hers with the initials LAS. Picking up both the Guitar's Libby holds one our to Ty with a smile.

"Wanna give it a try with me. Its real easy and addicting once you get the hang of it."

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