

As Dalton entered the room, Kirk looked up in surprise. And leaned back in his chair a bit, his eyebrows rising higher. The giant of a man was so calm...yet his words were spoken in such a way it sent a chill down Kirk's spine. 

Left alone again, he turned over a piece of paper with a list of names. His pen ran down the column, coming to a stop next to Dalton's name, and he pursed his lips. "Let's...not," he said aloud to himself before crossing out Dalton's name. He wanted to survive this whole ordeal, and he had a feeling if he tried anything with that man, he'd be lucky to get out of here alive. 

There was something though... He jotted down a few extra notes on Scott's file. Then sighing, he flipped to a new page with two profiles. Jason Stevenson and Katie Pent. And he just sat, thinking. 

Rick shook his head, disgusted with the job Kirk had done on Misty. He wished he could help, but he wasn't sure anything he said would do any good.

"I'm sorry. He doesn't have the power to knock you down too far. Just remember that."

He gave her shoulder an extra pat before turning to leave, then stopped. "If you want to take the rest of the day off, that's okay with me."

Even if he didn't respond, Scott did hear Dalton, and appreciated the support. It was just so hard. He'd been through so much and had struggled for so long. To have it all shoved back in his face was traumatizing in itself. His mind flooded with images he wanted to forget. His emotions ricocheted back and forth, up and down. And the tears and shaking wouldn't stop.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed. He knew Dalton had gone and come back at some point, and was grateful for his friend's willingness to just let him be and calm down in his own time.

Slowly lifting his face, he saw Dalton back at his desk, and spied a fresh can of mountain dew. Gradually, he got to his feet to sit in his chair, his head hanging in defeat. He did pop open the can though and took a long sip. His fingers fidgeted nervously with the can. He knew he shouldn't listen to Kirk, but he couldn't forget his words. 

"Do...do you think.... do you think I'd get someone in trouble or killed if...if I had a bad moment during a case? Do you think I'd fall apart when it counted most?"

Eric smiled at Asked and nodded. He was pretty sure Stacy wouldn't mind watching the girls for a little while either. Her willingness to step in and help was absolutely amazing to him, and he'd be forever grateful.

Travis was a little surprised at Ashlee's explanation. It seemed kind of complicated. He cocked his head. "I always heard the name Mick Henson associated with this place."

Eric chuckled. "Well, since they're married, there ain't really no separation, but technically speaking, Rosetta owns the place as far as who's name is on the deed. Just don't remind Mick unless you want the stare of death."

Travis could tell he was teasing, and grinned. "Thanks for the warning."

"So, you ride?"

"Yeah. I was just telling Ashlee I'm not real good at it. My dad wanted to make sure I at least knew how to handle horses, so I've had some experience. Just haven't logged many hours in the saddle."

"Well, you're at the right place."

Was he? Travis feared by the time he was well enough to go riding, he'd have worn out his welcome.

Eric sighed and continued on his original route. "Alright, I'll see you in a while, Ash."

Alone with Ashlee again, Travis resumed brushing Stardust. "So what else do you do around here, besides riding? You go to school somewhere?"

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