

Seeing Scott enter the room Dalton was about to ask him a questions but stops. Seeing the look on his friends face sent his worry sky high. He didn't like to see Scott distraught, he'd been through enough of that and deserved to have a break, a peaceful day at work.

Coming over and kneeling down next to Scott Dalton layed a hand on his arm. His friend didn't need to tell him what was wrong. He new Kirk had been talking with him, and He'd also new the cruelty he had shown several other people. Why this man thought it was his right to tare people down, to rip scabs off wounds He did not know. But what he did know was it wasn't right.

   "Don't let him get to you...He's an idiot who reads files. He doses not get to see us every day, how far we have come and the improvements we have made. I dont know what he said but I can guess and just know he's wrong."

His heart hurt for his little friend, and he wished Kirk would leave everyone alone. Why pick on the smaller people, the people who were more frail. Misty, Scott, Scott's sister...he didn't understand it, but he also didn't like it. How come someone be like this weather is was his job or not. These were good people here, even if they had rough pasts.

Giving a gentile pat to Scotts arm Dalton stands and heads for the door. Leaving the office he heads straight for where he had seen Kirk and Scott last. Seeing he was still at the table he enders not even asking first. He was in no mood to play, and he was in no mood for games. Leaning his hands on the table he towered over Kirk, His facial expression held no emotion, his body language neutral. His eyes the dark pools they always were, and his voice so calm that along could scare someone.

   "I don't care who you are, if you so much as sneeze in Scott's direction for the rest of your stay...I'll be the one you have to take to jail,"

Saying nothing else Dalton turned and exited the room before Kirk could even reply. Heading for the break room he'd grab some fresh mountain dew and jerky for himself and Scott. Even if he didn't want it right now, maybe he would. He'd be there though so if Scott needed him.

Looking up at Rick Misty shakes her head. There had been so much going on lately, and Kirk had just been the icing on the cake. She new not to pay him any mind but that didn't mean what he said still didn't hurt. 

   "I've been trying so hard to get my life back, to pull myself out of this pit I am in and...now I just keep like I was pushed down even farther."

Signing Misty looked down again and just tore at a piece of paper on her desk, She just wanted things to be normal again. The thing was though, even if she got better, even if her and Carson came back things would never be the same again. Things had happened to change her forever and she wasn't to sure how she felt about that.

Jamie laughs again as she springs up from her chair and dashes for the door. She could never beat Con in a race but in these close quarters she did have a fair chance. Darting between cubicles, and chairs she get to the door in record time, but knows Con is close on her heels. Turning she laughs again.

   "Ok, you can pay for lunch but its your good, maybe I'll pay for dessert."

Giving a smile seeing Eric Ashlee was happy they had run into him. He'd been so busy as of late she missed there interactions, and working on the horses together. She new sometimes that happens in life, but she couldn't help the little feeling she had deep down of just another person pushing her aside. She new that wasn't wasnt what Eric was doing, it just was all an adjustment even for her.

   "I'd really like that. I'm sure Mom wouldn't mind watching the twins for a little bit."

Looking back at Travis and giving a smile she could see a slight look of question on his face. She'd forgotten he didn't know much about this place or the people.

   "Eric is Rosetta's brother. She owns the ranch. He is also my moms boyfriend. He has two twin daughters, and is the one who is teaching me how to ride."

Dispite everything Ashlee was still honored to know Eric, and have him in her family. He was the only father she ever new and he did a great job being there for her and filling that gap.

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