

   "So, knock...wait for him to answer before going in. But what if he can't answer, and something is wrong?"

Maggie sat on her bed her big eyes just looking at her brother. She had been excited to hear Garret was staying with them, but sad to hear he was sick. She did not like it that her friend was not well at all, and it made her kind of nervous. Not of him or what he might do, but when she got sick it was very serous, and it was hard to understand not very one was like that. 

   "If he wont answer the door you can come get me, or Laura, or Rick. We can help and make sure he is ok."

Nate smiles at his sister. She was so caring, and always thinking on step ahead it amazed him. She was special in deed. Hearing a bump downstairs his ears perked up a little listing. He didn't want to worry Maggie. Smile he ruffled her hair and stood.

   "Dinner will be soon ok? You finish you work and we will call up when its ready."

Leaving her room he shut the door slightly behind himself before heading downstairs. Seeing Laura in the kitchen Nate couldn't help but feel something was wrong. He hadn't been upstairs long but there was a thickness in the air that hadn't been there before. 

   "Laura? Whats wrong? I thought I hear something when I was upstairs."

Once Kirk leaved the room Angelica came into Mike's office. She had heard bits and peaces of the conversation and her heart ached. He had such passion for this place, and every person that worked here. It hurt to think someone doubted that even for a second. If only they could see more that went on here, more than just a week, more than a month they would see how special this place was. 

   "Mike...are you ok?"

Coming over closer to him her words seemed silly. No he wasn't ok and she new it. But she didn't know what else to say. Everything was so messed up and she just wanted the FBI to be gone, and to know the fate they all faced. 

Taking Mike in her arms she wraps them around him tightly in a hug. She felt so bad and so sorry for him. All this was on his shoulders. She just wanted to lighten the load just a little.

Taking a sip of her coffee Angel thinks for a few long moments. It was a hard thing Lane faced. Knowing what way to turned, or what way to go. She'd never thought of her life beyond the ranch She'd never really wanted too. But that was her, and she was happy and content here.

   "Well first things first I think you need to sit down with Travis and talk to him. He's still mad at you, and before things can get better you need to talk."

She new that is not what Lane was asking her, but that was one thing she new needed to be said. There was so much tension when those two were in the room together it was unreal and nether of them were talking it out. 

   "After that, I'd ask him what he wanted too. Not just want you wanted. You know you can stay here, you know you would be safe, and youd be with family. But thats something Travis should have a choice about. He's old enough to make up his own mind and since everything from here on out is life changing he should be able to choose what he wants too."

Here on out nothing would be easy for Travis. This was something she was sure of. Once anyone new about the agency it was life changing. But what Travis did with that information should be up to him. It was his life too, not just Lane's that would change. 

   "That's just my two cents."

Laughing again as Travis pulled the hay from her hair she rolled her eyes a little too. Of course at this moment in time there would be hair in her air. Cradling the kitten she nodded to Travis.

   "Once your better, it's a deal. I'll see you at lunch. Try not to get lost leaving the barn ok?"

Tossing Travis a wink she turning headed for the ladder. Well today would be another interesting day she was sure of it. She didn't know when Travis would be leaving for home, but she'd soak this all up while she could. 

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