

Thinking for a long moment Nate new Laura had a point about Garret being here with him not being home. He hadn't thought of that before and now he had to figure out what to do. He didn't think Garret would try anything, specially with the state he was in but Laura was right. Mistakes could happens, specially to someone in a strange world like Garret. He'd rather not chance it for Laura's sake, and Garrets.

    "Work hasn't been to bad. Most of my time has been looking through Brookshire stuff, and Garret had been helping me. If you didn't mind I could bring my work home, and do it here but be on call in case Reese needed me."

He hopped that would work out ok. He didn't want Laura to feel awkward at all. He wanted her to be comfortable in her own home. At least if her worked here he would be in ear shot if anything happened.

Setting Brian down in his highchair again and giving him a kiss to the cheek Nate smiles before walking over to Laura again at the stove and putting his arms around her an resting his head on top of hers. She was always so strong, always so smart, it was on of the many things Nate loved about her.

   "I guess I should let Maggie know so at least if Garret is to grumpy, she knows to leave him be and isn't hurt. I have a feeling she is going to want to help though. There is just something about Garret she is drawn too."

Entering into work Adison new she more than likely missed Kirk being there. That could be a good thing as she was sure they both looked very tired. Enough rumors ran about this place, they didn't need to help them long any.

   "Hey Addy, you look beat. Out partying to much?"

Getting to her desk Adison held a slight annoyed look as she tossed a glace over at Tod who worked a few spaces down from her. Oh how he had a crush on her, and oh how he annoyed her.

   "What did I tell you about calling me that?"

Sitting down she didn't even bother to let him reply. She just wanted to get started on work, and forget about how tired her really was. Looking down and seeing the money on her desk with the note she couldn't help but smile. Kirk was always good like that, and yes about noon she would need coffee.

   "Hey Sorry about the name. I didn't mean anything by it. I'm heading out to get breakfast. You want anything?"

Adison can't help but roll her eyes at the sound of Tod's voice once again. She was really not in the mood and she just wanted him to go away. He was always bothering her when Kirk wasn't around, and she was always shutting him down. When would he get the point she was not interested.

   "No thank you Tod, I just want to work."

   "Aw...did you know all work and no pl.."

Adison held up a hand stopping him in his tracks. She did her best to compose herself and not sound to mean despite her tired state.

   "Don't even bother finishing that statement. I don't need breakfest, I dont need lunch. When I am ready for coffee I can get it myself. I just want to sit here, and get my work done. Exactly what you should be doing too. So just give it a rest."

Turning Tod grunted.

   "I will for now, but one of these days Adison Becc, I will get you to let me in. I wanna know what Kirk has, that I dont."


Adison mumbles under her breath. It was going to be a long day, but though her mood sucked now it had been well worth it and she was happy to help.

Ashlee's smile grew as Travis accepted the invitation to see the sun set. She missed having someone with her to look at the colors that painted the sky. Watching it along was fun and all but having someone to watch it with was even better.

   "Of course I can show you around. This was the only work I had to do till four, and my school shouldn't take to long today. So how about we have lunch at noon and than I can show you around after."

As Dylan enters the barn it catches her attachen as she waves. She had started seeing less and less of him lately despite her efforts of trying to hang out with him more, it had just become hard when he would shut her down left and right. So she just stuck with the moments when he was around.

   "I wondered when she would think it was time to move them. Thanks Dylan."

Turning back to Travis she eyes the ladder over in the far corner. Though taking this adventure with Travis sounded like fun, and she enjoyed his want to keep the kitten safe She new it was also dangerous with his injorys.

   "I  can take the kitten up but I think you should wait here. With you still healing I don't want anything to happen and you."


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