

Levi's eyes never left Karla's face as she spoke. Unassuming. Shy. Cautious. Low self esteem. Those were the words that flitted through his mind. But also strength. Hope. Intelligence. Potential. His head cocked to one side as he briefly forgot about his food. Was that embarrassment he saw flicker on her face? Everybody struggled at some point, and it was a pity if she felt ashamed of that. 

As the table fell quiet again, his eyes dropped to some of the papers he'd brought. Flipping to one in particular, he looked at the near-minimum wage that was typed up as part of an offer. His fingers fiddled with his pen for a moment before he scribbled it out and wrote a new number above the line, several dollars higher than the original. 

"Well...everybody deserves a chance." He looked up again and slid the paper over to her to see the hourly wage. "I'm afraid it won't be full-time. I'm not sure what you need for income as far as your current situation goes. But I can guarantee no less than twenty hours a week, and no more than thirty. It would be Monday through Friday, and we'd set up a place for you at the office. We have limited ability to provide health benefits, but we most definitely would provide paid sick days and paid vacation days."

He let the information sink in and as their waiter came by, he took the ticket to pay for both their meals. Clearing his throat, he turned his attention back to Karla. He hoped upping the wage would be enough. He wished he could offer her a full-time job with full benefits right on the spot, but their small company just couldn't afford that yet. Would she be able to live off what they were offering? 

"My mom likes to send leftovers to work for lunches," he added with a crooked grin. "So that could possibly mean some free meals, too. And she does make a mean lasagna..." Was he begging her to take the job? Seriously? Where was his head? His father was going to kill him. 

Lane didn't move as Angel came and sat down next to him. Nor did he respond as she took his hand. His eyes remained glued to the coffee table as if his mind wasn't really there. One would think he didn't even hear Angel speaking, but he did. Nothing broke his silence though. Slipping his hand from hers, he leaned forward and set his elbows on his knees, creating distance. After several long moments of silence, he slowly shook his head. His jaw muscles tightened with the effort to keep a lid on his emotions, but even then, his eyes started to turn red.

He could have walked away when Mick had caught him in the middle of another incriminating phone conversation. He should have. He should have left right then and there. He still should. He still had time.

His feet shifted. But he didn't rise. As much as everything inside of him screamed to leave - to get out now - something just as invisible, but twice as strong, kept him here. Though still not looking at his sister, he could feel her eyes on him. She cared about him. She loved him. She'd do anything to figure this out and help him. But how could she? How could anyone here? Especially now. Yet he still found it impossible to move. And even so, he still refused to speak at all.

Without any response to Angel, verbal or otherwise, it was inevitable that shortly after, they weren't the only two in the living room anymore. While everyone else went their separate ways or cleaned up in the kitchen from dinner, there were those Mick asked to join them. Rosetta, Sparky, Wes, Luke, Eric, Trent and Stacy.

Lane remained seated on the couch, his eyes never leaving the coffee table. Anyone could see the tension building on his face, though. 

Mick looked to Angel with apology. He knew she didn't want to hurt her brother, but something had to be done. "Come on, Lane," he prompted sternly as he stood on the other side of the low table. "Come clean. Whatever it is, you can trust us." The others all waited quietly.

Eventually, Lane finally moved. He glanced up at Angel and swallowed hard as sudden tears sprang into his eyes and he looked back down. He shook his head as he tried to control his emotions.

Mick sighed. "Don't make us do this the hard way."


"Lane!" Mick's hand came down hard on the table, making Lane jump. He leaned down low to be at his eye-level. "If you don't start talking, we're gonna have to call in the Elite, and you know you don't want to deal with them."


Mick straightened and threw up his hands, trying not to blow his top. Taking a deep breath, he caught Rosetta's eye, relying on her to help keep his temper in check.

Lane's folded hands had become so tight that his knuckles were turning white.

It was Trent's turn. "Man...Whatever you're involved in - if anyone gets it, it's me. I shouldn't be here at all, and there are days I still wish I was rotting in prison for all I've done. But if there's any place to come clean, it's here. Angel's not your only family. We all are. Whatever it is, you can trust us."

"He's right," Luke prompted. "Just talk to us."

Lane shook his head stubbornly and remained silent.

"Dang it!" Mick didn't want to use force. To harm Angel's brother. Their old friend. But something had to be done. "I'm calling the Elite." He took out his cell phone.

"They have my son!" Lane shouted angrily. His outburst was so sudden, that the room went dead quiet. With just as little warning, he got to his feet so quickly that he hit the coffee table, jolting it from its position on the carpeted floor. Walking to one of the windows, he kept his back to the others and folded his arms tightly, tears still lingering in his eyes.

The room stood in stunned silence and several looks were exchanged. Lane had a son? He hadn't said a word about a family, so everyone had assumed he didn't have one. Why hadn't he at least mentioned it? Mick slowly put his phone back in his pocket. "Lane?" he asked more cautiously. "What's going on?"

Lane swiped at his eyes but didn't answer.

Mick sighed again and looked to Angel for help. Maybe she could still get him to talk. Somebody had to. Something very serious was going on, and they had to know. If Angel couldn't get it out of him, he'd have no choice but to call the Elite. This smelled too much like the Agency to let it go.

"Good." Justin smiled again before opening the truck door. "Come on." 

Getting inside, Justin immediately made the dogs lie down in the corner, and they did so obediently, despite there being nervous activity around them. Quick introductions to Pete and Jamie were made for Beth's sake, and Lydia, of course, took advantage of more company and went to make some coffee in the kitchen to keep herself busy.

Jared was no more at ease though. "Know anything?" was his only greeting.

Justin shook his head. "Sorry. No. I'm on my way over to headquarters though, to see if we can figure anything out."

Jared turned his wheelchair. "I'm coming, too."

"I think it's best if you stay here. There's-"

"I said I'm coming, too." Jared's eyes narrowed. "If it were Beth, you wouldn't wanna be left out of the loop, so you better take me with you or I'll find my own ride." 

Justin sighed before looking to Pete. Pete gave him a little nod. "Jamie and I both will stay here. You want an escort?" 

"No. As far as we know, we don't have anything to worry about other than finding Grace. We'll be fine." Justin nodded Jared to the door. "C'mon then." Before leaving, he gave Beth a quick but strong hug and a warm kiss on the lips, promising he'd be back shortly. 

Once at Justin's pickup, a new problem arose. Jared stared at the passenger door and gritted his teeth. Justin reached for the handle, but Jared stopped him. "I can do it myself." 

"I believe you," Justin responded calmly. "But we don't have time for that. So shove your pride back down or I'm gonna leave you here." He opened the door, and without taking any griping, he lifted his brother into the passenger seat.

Jared had underestimated Justin's strength, and blinked his surprise at how easily it had been done. He watched in the side mirror as Justin folded and set the wheelchair in the bed of the truck as well. He was so matter-of-fact that Jared really couldn't argue with him, so the ride to the Elite was a silent one....

..."You sure you don't know anything?"

"How could I?" Garret threw up his hands at Reese's questions as they stood outside Nate's cubicle. "I'm in here, remember? This is something new."

Reese sighed. "But could it be the Agency?"

"Well of course it could. Anything could be them. But you got a lot of if's going on here. Just because some kidnapper calls a girl's boyfriend's brother doesn't mean it's Agency. It's weird, but that's all."

Reese knew he was right. But there was just something about all this that set him on edge. Maybe it was just his gut instinct. Movement caught his eye and he turned to see Justin come onto the main floor, followed by a man maneuvering his own wheelchair - that must be Jared. "Speaking of which..." 

Garret's eyebrows shot up. "Wait. You didn't tell me it was Justin. Is he the boyfriend or the brother?"

"Brother. That's Jared - it's his girlfriend that's been nabbed."

Garret glanced at Nate. Justin was part of the Elite, part-time and fairly new or not. And he was someone who got close to any Agency thugs brought in. Which made him a pretty dangerous player, really. It would be Medridge's style to torture him through other people getting hurt, especially considering Justin's field of expertise - delving into people's psyches. Maybe Reese wasn't so far off after all. 

"Justin." Reese shook his hand as he approached, then also offered a hand to Jared. "Hi, I'm Mike Reese, Chief of the Elite. I'm sorry we're meeting under such stressful circumstances."

Jared just nodded. 

"Any more calls?" 

"No." Jared shook his head before holding up his cell phone. "Still waiting." 


Take a Chance

Smiling Karla enjoyed listening to Levi talk about himself. He thought he had a boring life, but Karla didn't think so. She found what he said interesting. His life was normal, he seemed happy, he had his family. Karla admired that and she thought it gave him great character.

    "I'm not in to politics myself. I do however like a baseball or football game if I am actually there. I think its boring to watch it on tv though."

Taking another bit of her food Karla listened to Levi's next question. She really didnt have any experience to speak of. She did odd jobs here and there but it was nothing amazing. She could only hope that maybe he could see past that.

   "Well I dont really have much experience. I worked for the band, I have done some art work, I worked in a grocery store for a while. Other than that I have been pretty down on my luck over the years and money has been hard."

Looking down Karla couldn't help be embarrassed just a little. Life had been hard for her, but it had made her stronger too, and yet talking with someone new she couldn't help but wonder what they would think of her.

   "However I am organized, I can talk on the phone, and I do know how to type. I know I dont have much to go on, but I'm a fast learner and I can put in a lot of hard work, if you can just take a chance."

Looking up at Mick Angel's face showed her concern, She had no idea what was going on and the longer it went on the worse it was getting. She new Mick was right and something needed to be done about this and soon.

   "I think even after I talk to him a powwow would be good. I'll see what I can do and you can get it together."

Excusing herself from the table Angel made her way to the other room where Lane was. Sitting down next to him Angel took his hand in her own and was just quiet for a long moment. She really didn't know what to say. There was so much and her heart went out to him so bad.

   "Lane....whats been going on? I have to ask, and I have to know. I cant just brush it off. Its killing you inside and I can see it. Everyone is being so pashent here with you but its gone to far. We love you so much, I love you so much Lane and even if its been a long time I love you and would do anything for you. Please, I am begging you talk to me, talk to us."

Beth thinks for a long moment just looking at Justin's house. She believed him and new he would never put her in a situation that was dangerous, or with people he didn't think would keep her safe. It just all seemed so scary and very expected.

   "Ok I'm ready."

At mention of both dogs Beth glances into the back seat and gives a small smile. She loved Justin's dogs. They where never a handful, always calm and sweet. They would make a good detraction and at least.

   "Ok I'll take care of them while you are away."



With elbows resting on each side of his plate, fork hanging in midair, Levi listened to Karla's every word. His eyes traveled her face as she spoke, catching brief glimpses of what might lay between the lines of dialogue. His smile emerged again and he shook his head before letting his eyes drop and taking a bite of broccoli. "I like to keep things uncomplicated, especially myself, so if you want boring..." He pointed at himself with his fork. He'd play along though. After all, Karla still intrigued him, and something told him she could use a friend right now. Her life sounded lonely, and he couldn't help that it tugged at his heart.

"Nah, really though, I like... Chinese food." He laughed. "Obviously. Um... I'm as single as you can get, I've got my folks here in town so I work with my dad - another obvious fact there. I went into business with him after I graduated college," he explained. "I work...a lot. And when I'm not working, I've usually got my nose in a book, learning how to work better." Truth be told, his social life was almost nonexistent as he preferred studying over going out. No wonder he didn't have a girlfriend.

"Every once in a while I like to sketch, although I'm not all that good." He chuckled. "I have an older sister - she lives a few hours away with her husband. My favorite color is green, I'm left-handed, and I pretty much avoid politics or sports." He paused to take a sip of tea.

"Oh, and I totally agree that God's got everything under control." His eyes twinkled. As much as he'd like to continue the smalltalk though, he knew they had to get down to business sometime and he cleared his throat. "Other than your reference to a band, what kinds of jobs have you had? We need somebody who knows how to be organized, who can talk to clients on the phone, keep schedules, do some typing... that sort of thing." He cocked his head. "Lay it on me. Whatcha got that we can use?"

Lane kept his eyes closed as Angel worked, and ceased any more complaining. It hadn't been so bad at first, but after several days, the pain had gotten to him. If Sparky hadn't been so rough, he wouldn't now be under scrutiny, and it was maddening. He expressed none of that though. He couldn't.

As Angel finished and assured him they were all there for him, he had a hard time holding in his emotions. He sat up gingerly and just stared at the floor for a few minutes before he finally stood and carefully donned his shirt. He wished his sister wasn't so nice. He wished everybody here was just a little harsher. It would make his task easier.

"Thanks," he mumbled softly, and grabbed his hat. He did glance Angels direction, but it only lasted a moment. His mouth opened to give more excuses for his silence. To assure her things were just fine. To make up a reason for all this. But instead, he just sighed. "I'll see you later."

Exiting the office, he started one direction, but when he saw Mick, he turned to go the other way. This did not escape Mick's eyes, so after he was finished with what he was doing, he went to see Angel and check on what had gone on. Learning about Lane's injuries brought on more concern, to say the least, but Mick decided not to tell the other guys just yet. He still wanted to give Lane a chance, even after he told Angel what had happened in the barn. Something wasn't right...but Mick agreed to letting Lane come to them...

...Lane kept himself scarce the rest of the day. He ended up helping a little more around the barns, but retreated to his bunkhouse for most of the afternoon, avoiding especially Mick and Sparky. By dinnertime though, he had to make an appearance, lest anyone get even more suspicious. So, coming to the main house, he once again interacted with smiles just as he had the evening before. If one looked closely though, they might notice how Lane seemed to be avoiding Angel's gaze, or distancing himself from some of the guys. Nothing appeared too out of place though, but it did seem a little strange when he left to take a phone call outside, then was taking quite a while to return. 

Feeling the urge to check on things, it was Mick who quietly rose and followed Lane's route onto the front porch. No one really noticed until raised voices could be heard. Eyes looked up from tables to see who was missing, and it was quickly assumed that the argument outside was between Mick and Lane. But what on earth could it be about? 

Then the eyes shifted to Angel. Was she going to go see what was happening? Did anyone need to? 

No one had to act, though, as the door opened again. Lane walked in first, but instead of going back to his table, he went to the living room alone where he sat on the couch and stared at the floor. Mick waved off several wary looks, and aimed for Angel's table, leaning down over her shoulder to speak quietly in her ear. "Strange phone call number two, and I can't let it go any further. Unless you can get Lane to talk, we're gonna have to have a family powow after dinner."

Though Lydia's face was rather pale, she shook her head at Jamie, and forced a smile. "I think you would need to stay here a whole week to answer all of my questions. I don't think I realized what Justin was really involved with. But that is okay. I am just worried about Grace. Such a sweet girl." She squeezed Jamie's hand back, grateful for the young woman's assurance. 

Jared, on the other hand, was not assured at all, as his anxiety rose to greater heights. This whole thing was just stupid. He didn't understand any of it. He didn't understand why this would have happened. Why it would be Grace anyone would go after. It just didn't make sense. 

Justin reached over and set a gentle hand on Beth's shoulder. "Don't worry - you'll be safe here. I'll take you inside and introduce you to Pete and Jamie. They're both very nice and they'll take good care of you. You won't have to worry about anything with them around, okay?"

He gave her shoulder a squeeze. "Then I'm going to go to the Elite office for a little while, then I'll be back and I'm going to stay here too. I only have one problem." He crinkled his nose. "While I'm over at the Elite, somebody's gotta watch after my two girls." He thumbed to the backseat where Danitza an Zora had been the perfect passengers the whole day. "They like the backyard but they need somebody to keep an eye on them. Think you could help me out there?"


No Judgment

 "Oh it is important how it happened, but there is no point in bothering you about it if you are not ready to talk."

Working quietly Angle cleaned and dressed many of the wounds. Cutting a few other open to let the infection out, putting antiseptic on more. Lane's back was a mess and Angel hated seeing it without knowing what or why it was like this. She was happy though that he at least was letting her help him.

   "It's hard to be gentile sometimes when things get so bad. Your back is in pretty rough shape, and gentile is not something you can afford from me if you want it to heal."

Finishing up and placing dressing over everything Angel gives Lane's arm a gentile pat. Waiting for him to sit up she sits down next to him silent for a long moment. She new Lane didn't want to talk about anything that was going on and it hurt. Not because he didn't trust her but because she couldn't help him.

   "You know we are all here to help. No matter what, no judgment. We are always willing to help anyone, just always remember that for me ok? I love you bro, no matter what time has passed."

Standing Angel drops the subject for now as she starts to clean things up. If Lane wanted to talk to her more he would. If not maybe later they could bring it up again and try to get to the bottom of this.

Seeing Lydia was upset Jamie came out and sat down next to her. Giving a warm smile she did her best to comfort her.

  "It's going to be ok. You guys will be alright and we will get Grace back too. I know this is scary, but you are doing great and holding it together."

Jamie laid her hand on top on Lydia's and gave it a small squeeze.
  "Did you have any questions we might be able to asnwer?"

Getting to Justin's house Beth tried her best to give a smile. On the inside she was scared to death of everything going on. It was all going so fast it was hard to process.  She tired to hide it the best she could but she new Justin would see she was scared.

   "I hope everything will be ok. Can't I stay with you? I'd feel safer."

Munching on some chicken and rice Karla was quiet for a moment after Levi asked his question. It was always hard to talk about herself. Talking about herself just always felt strange. She new she had to reply though.

    "Me...well lets see...I recently broke up with my boyfriend, I have a few friends here, no family, and I live alone. I do like to paint and read though."

After saying that all out loud she realized how sad her life really sounded. She never thought much of it before though. She was content, and at least this was another step in her path. Having a new job.

   "I'm...a pretty boring person but I get buy and I enjoy what God has given me even if its not much. He knows exactly what I need and when I need it."

Taking a sip of her water Karla looks down again before looking up and cocking her head at Levi. She new he had a great personality and he had a good father, but really thats all she new."

   "So what about you? What are thinks you like?"



Lane hesitated - but what did he expect? This was still better than Mick asking more questions. If he let Angel help him, then there would be less reason for suspicion...right?

Silently obeying his sister's direction, he took off his hat then carefully removed his shirt before lying down on his stomach on the table. Actually, it was a relief, not having anything rubbing against his wounds like they had been.

He still said nothing as she started to work on his back, but simply closed his eyes to try and work through the pain. Eventually though, he did speak.

"It's not important how it happened," he mentioned quietly. "It's over, so I'd rather just move on." He winced as she moved to a more infected wound. He hadn't been able to do a very good job of taking care of this himself. The question was, what would happen now? If he really did think he could just move on, someone's life would be over, and it would be on his head. No matter what he chose, he would condemn someone.

He winced again. "You haven't gotten any gentler over the years, have you?" he tried to tease. Maybe Angel would let the whole thing drop if she saw he didn't want to talk about it.

Justin smiled, trying to be as reassuring as possible. Beth was taking this strange and stressful event in stride, and he was proud of her. "I'm ready. Let's go."

The two-hour drive was torture. Justin wanted to figure this out and figure it out now. He had so many unanswered questions, and it was driving him crazy. Several more phone calls were exchanged on the way, though, with Reese. Pete and Jamie had been sent to the house to watch Lydia and Jared. No more calls had come in though, so they still knew very little - other than the fact that Grace had not shown up for work today. But she wasn't home, even though her car was, making foul play an even stronger assumption. Justin didn't even stop at his own house for anything - if someone was after him, being outside town at his property was the worst place to be alone. He had enough clothes at his mom's that he'd be fine for now, and at least he already had the dogs with him...

"...So what are you guys doing to find her? And why can't I call the cops? Shouldn't they be in on this?" Jared sat in his wheelchair in the living room, his voice matching his expression of irritation.

Pete sighed and eased down to sit on the armrest of the couch. He gave Jamie a sidelong glance. He was glad she was along to care for Lydia - who seemed pretty shook up at this point - but having to deal with Jared was not a pleasant task. "We are the cops. We may not be from the police department, but trust me - this case is in the right hands. There is very little we can do at this point, though, until you get another call." 

Jared gritted his teeth, his fingers digging into the wheels of his chair. He wanted to scream, but didn't know who to scream at. "Why did they want me to call Justin? What's he involved with?"

"Us." Pete pursed his lips grimly. "Any connection with the Elite is cause for the Agency's attention."

"The Agency?"

"Your brother tell you anything?"

"No!" Jared threw up his arms. "He never tells me anything, okay?! I don't have a clue what's going on!"  

"Just cam down," Pete directed gently but firmly. "The Agency is a crime organization."

"What, you mean like the mob or something?"

"Worse. They like to play games. Torture games. Now this whole thing with your girlfriend - it might be a simple prank. It might be an enemy of hers and they think Justin is their way to gain whatever it is they want. It might be an old client of Justin's who didn't like the way he counseled him. Or, it could be the Agency because he's been involved in the Elite recently."

Jared sighed, finally calming down a little. "But if it's the Agency, why Grace? What's the point? She's my girlfriend, not his."

"And how will you feel if she's hurt?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm already sick with worry." 

"And if it's the Agency because of Justin, you gonna blame him?"


"Then there you go." Pete shrugged. "If it's the Agency, they'll use Grace to get to you in order to torture your brother. That's the way they work - they take the long way around just for the fun of it."

Jared paused a moment, just studying Pete and Jamie both. "So why are you guys here?"

"We don't expect anything to happen, but just in case anyone shows up here, we're ready. That's all. Nothing to worry about."

Despite his confidence, Lydia, from her seat in her own chair, gave Jamie a worried glance. This whole thing was quite scary for her, and she wasn't really sure what to say or how to act. 

Pulling into the driveway, Justin was glad to see the Elite vehicle here. He hadn't gotten word that there had been any more calls though, and that bothered him. They needed to talk to whoever it was that took Jamie in order to form a plan or get any kind of lead. But at least for now, here, everyone was safe. 

He glanced to the side and took Beth's hand, giving it a squeeze. "Let's go inside and find out what's going on. Then you'll probably stay here for a little while, okay?"

Levi automatically smiled as he spotted Karla, glad that she'd actually shown up. He grimaced a little though as she sat down. "Doh...yeah giving you my number would have been a good idea, huh? Sheesh. Not thinking, sorry. But no, I haven't been waiting long at all." He spoke almost as fast as his brain was moving - which was probably too fast. He grabbed a menu. "Let's order, then...we'll talk." 

It didn't take long to get their food, but Levi didn't start into the work-related questions just yet. "So..." He took a bite of his beef and chewed it thoughtfully. "You've seen me make a fool out of myself, and you've met my father, so I'm feeling a bit intimidated." He grinned. "Tell me a few things about yourself so we can restore balance to the universe."



Getting out of the taxi and paying Karla looks up at the Tou Hans sign for a long moment. It was still hard to believe one chapter of her life had ended yet again and now another one was starting so far. She feared free time, down time, to much time to think but God had provided her a new door to open. Among all the sadness there was a little bit of excitement now too. Maybe a new job, something she'd never thought of before, a real job.

Finally going inside Karla gives a smile and nod to the hostess before making her way over to the table that Levi was at. Sliding in actoss from him she gives a smile before setting her purse next to her. Ordering and Iced tea she finally turns her attachen to Levi.

   "Hi, I hope I'm not late. I didn't have your number to call and let you know that my taxi was taking forever to get to me. You haven't been waiting long have you?"

Feeling Justin's hand on her face Beth leaned into it a bit. Just feeling his touch and his soft words made her feel safe. He'd always been so kind with her, so slow and caring. She never thought he'd ever do anything to hurt her. His words of concern and protecting her only proved that even more.

   "Ok, let me get a few things together I wont take to long."

Disappearing down he hall Beth grabs her bag and starts putting some stuff in it she might need her mind racing. She hoped everything would be ok, and Justin's brothers girlfriend would be fine. She couldn't imagen all the emotions that must be involved.

Coming back out with her bag she was ready. Looking at Justin she tried to give the best smile she could consider the circumstances.

    "I'm ready when you are."

Seeing her brother come into the office a smile spread across her face. It hadn't been all a dream and he really had come back. Looking closer though and seeing a strange look on his face she smile slowly faded. Something was wrong and she didn't like it one bit. What could of happened? Her heart raced as she stood to come closer question written on her face.

As Lane turns and lifts his shirt though Angel stops dead just looking at his back. What on earth had happened? Those didn't look fresh like he'd tumbled off a horse this morning and it sent a cold chill through her.


Pointing to the table Angel wanted him to lift his shirt again and lay down. He didn't just need something to take the edge of he needed those cleaned, and something put on them. He really didn't want her to ask what happened? How could she not this was her brother.

   "You might not want me to ask what happened, but I do want to know. Also you are not leaving this office till I clean you up and put some ointment on those they look terrible."


Back Pain

Mick pursed his lips in thought. He'd wondered if Stacy would pick up on the same vibes at dinner - and she had. He wasn't surprised, and in all honesty, a little relieved he wasn't the only one. Now though...what was really going on?

He nodded. "Thanks. I appreciate you coming to me. I was a bit leery all evening myself." Leaving the door open, he turned the corner to slip on his barn boots. His senses were quickly waking back up again as his mind tried to figure out the possibilities of Lane's strange behavior.

Slipping outside, he gestured to the barns. "I'll go see if I can find out what's up. Keep your eyes open though, just in case." He wanted to add, If I'm not back in fifteen minutes, come looking for me, but he knew he didn't need to. Stacy knew her job and knew it well...

...Lane remained on his knees in the pasture, but he knew he couldn't stay there. No matter how sick this whole thing made him feel, ignoring it was certainly not an option. It wouldn't fix itself. He had to do what he'd come to do.

Finally rising to his feet once more, he wandered a while before aiming back towards the barns. Just rounding a corner, he ran right into Mick. Staggering backward, his eyes shot wide open and his hand went to his chest. "Good land, Mick... you're gonna give me a heart attack."

Mick had not been startled in the least, and just gave him a small grin. "Sorry. I needed to check on a few things. Can't sleep?"

"What? Oh... naw..." Lane tried to recover. "I'm a night owl."

"Ah. Looked like you were pretty tired earlier. Figured you'd be out til morning."

"Guess I got my second wind." Lane shifted uncomfortably. "Anything wrong?"

Mick had a hard time seeing his face in the shadows, but guilt hung in the air so thick he could almost smell it. Stacy had been right to wake him up. "I don't think so. I was gonna ask you the same thing."

Lane ran a hand through his hair. "Oh. No. I'm good. Just headed back to my bunk." He sidled past Mick.

Mick wasn't done, though. Turning with Lane, he reached over to give him a friendly pat on the back. "I'll walk with you."

At Mick's touch, Lane jumped and whirled to the side, ridding himself of Mick's hand. It was so sudden that Mick stopped in his tracks. "Whoa, take it easy."

Lane's face had paled - visible even in the dim light. "Sorry, no... it's... no... just startled me."

Mick eased back and let silence reign for just a couple moments. "What's wrong, Lane?" Why was he so jumpy? "What's really going on?"

"Nothing." Lane forced a weak laugh. "It's late, there's a full moon, and it's been a long day. Didn't mean to alert anyone, sorry." He started forward again - rather stiffly, Mick observed.

"It's fine." Mick walked beside him until they'd reached the barn. "Just get some rest. You're supposed to unwind here, not have your nerves shot."

Lane just kept walking and waved over his shoulder. "Goodnight."

Mick stood in the doorway of the barn until he saw Lane disappear in his bunk, before he himself  turned to go back to the house. He could have kept Lane longer. He could have demanded answers. He could have sat him down for an honest talk. But...something told him to let it be...for now. Stacy was right - something was up. But until they observed Lane more, there was nothing to go on, and nothing to accuse him of...

The next morning, Lane joined the others for breakfast, although his eyes looked like he hadn't slept a wink all night, and he downed at least two cups of coffee before going out to the barn with the other guys to help. He seemed to perhaps distance himself from Mick, although most might not even notice...

 "...Far as I can tell, they have no plans.... Yeah.... No, they don't know." Lane spoke quietly on his cell phone in the empty stall in the barn. Morning chores were almost done, and he'd disappeared to the back of the barn for privacy when his phone had rung. He paced a small circle, one hand tucked in his pocket. "No, I don't think they're going to act. They're just...well, no.... Look, I'm doing all I can!" He bit his tongue and lowered his tone. "No... not that I'm aware.... Okay, okay, yeah, I'll stick around. Let me talk to Travis." He sighed. "Fine. ...Tomorrow? I need more time than that... I can't perform miracles!" he hissed. "I'll have a report like I promised. Just give me one week like I was told."

Ending the call, he growled and stuck his phone back in his pocket. Exiting the stall, he turned and came face to face with Sparky - who was not happy. "Sorry. Didn't see you."

"Obviously." Sparky folded his arms and didn't let him pass. A very bad feeling sat in the pit of his stomach. He'd just chatted and laughed with Lane while feeding the horses, but that pleasure had come to a screeching halt. "Wanna explain what that was all about?"


"Seriously?" Sparky's eyes narrowed. "Who were you telling that you'd stick around here? And why are you reporting to them?"

"It's nothing. It's nobody important."

Sparky took a step closer. "And why don't I believe you?"

Lane simply tried to leave again, but Sparky sidestepped to block him. "I want answers."
"Do you eavesdrop on everybody, or what?" Lane's tone grew louder. "That was a private conversation about a business transaction. What else do you want?!"

Hearing the loud voices, Mick stuck his head around the corner. "Yo, guys, I got some riding students coming - what's the commotion?"

Sparky glanced over his shoulder. "I'd bet half my savings that our dear old friend was sent here by the Agency."

Lane's face paled. "That's ridiculous!"

"Is it?"

Mick frowned in concern and joined them. The previous night's events came back to him, along with his apprehensions. "That's a pretty serious accusation," he warned his brother. "Lane?" He gave him a stern look. "What's up?"

"Nothing! For crying out loud!" Lane threw up his hands. "Sparky heard one side of a conversation on the phone and he made some pretty crazy assumptions."

"Well who were you talking to?"

"That's no one's business! But if you're that interested, it's a colleague of mine and I'm supposed to be doing some long-distance work, and I'm late. That's all!"

Mick glanced at Sparky, who gave him a look of distrust. He returned his attention to Lane, still sensing there was more, and even more suspicious now than he had been yesterday. "How about we sit down and talk about this?"

"There's nothing to talk about!"

"Why are you getting so riled?"

"Because you look like a couple of lions ready to pounce!" Lane turned to head the other way out of the barn, but Sparky came around to stop him there, too.

"Hey, get out of my way. C'mon!"

Sparky shook his head. "Uh-uh. Not until we get the truth."

"I already gave it to you!" Lane moved forward and gave him a shove out of the way.

Sparky reacted on instinct by quickly grabbing Lane's arm and yanking him around to the side before slamming him back up against the wall. Lane's cry was loud enough and severe enough that it startled Sparky into letting him go and backing off, his eyes wide. Lane crumpled to one knee, his face contorted in pain as he struggled to breathe. Mick was just as surprised as Sparky - the little scuffle hadn't been that big of a deal. Something wasn't right. After a moment, he stepped forward and reached out his hand. Lane didn't accept it, and instead, got to his feet on his own, failing at hiding how much it hurt to move.

Mick suddenly recalled how he had reacted to his touch last night, and wondered if there was a connection. "You alright?"

Lane just nodded and eventually managed to speak without wincing. "I will be if y'all would take a hike and leave a guy alone instead of throwing ridiculous accusations around. So much for the warm welcome yesterday."

Sparky started to say something, but Mick held up his hand to stop him, still looking at Lane. "I know you're lying about something. I don't know what, and I hope it's nothing that will put our families in jeopardy. But until you're ready to talk about it, this conversation is closed."

"Are you kidding me?!" Sparky threw up his hands. "Since when do we stare down the barrel of a gun without ducking?"

Mick ignored him and continued to speak to Lane. "I also think you're hurt, so I'd suggest you go see your sister and at least let her help you."

Lane swallowed hard, not knowing what to think. He opened his mouth to say something, then changed his mind and turned to leave the barn.

Sparky gave Mick a rather unhappy look. "What's with the whole good guy routine all of a sudden?"

"I'm not sure," Mick admitted. He was still troubled by all of this. "I just think that for once, we need to show some trust first. If he really is into something as bad as the Agency, my gut is telling me that he'll come clean. I don't know why or how, but taking action isn't the right choice this time. All I have to rely on is my gut though, so if you want to have a family meeting over it, we can." He and Rosetta had already discussed the strangeness of last night but had both agreed nothing could be done until they had some answers.

Sparky let out a long sigh, regaining control of his temper. "I trust you. But if anything screwy starts happening, I'm not gonna sit back and do nothing."

"I don't expect you to. I'm just saying wait. That's all."

Lane walked towards Angel's office - slowly - stiffly - despite the urge to go in the opposite direction. Mick was right. He needed some help. He didn't want it, but at this rate he wouldn't be able to stand it. Once in the office, he couldn't even smile at Angel - just nod his greeting. His eyes were half glazed from his weakening attempt to control the pain. "I, um... prolly could use a bit of help," he admitted quietly. It was no one else's fault here. Sparky hadn't meant to be so rough, and that's not what had injured him anyway, so there was little point in telling Angel about all that.

It was several awkwardly silent moments before he moved again. Untucking his t-shirt, he pulled it up and turned around. His whole back was covered in long, deep wounds from what would appear to be a whipping. Though probably a week old, many lacerations had become infected and were now swollen and red around deep bruising that had yet to heal. His being slammed into the wall a few minutes ago hadn't helped any either.

He let his shirt back down - carefully - and turned back to Angel. He'd done a good job of hiding this pain until today. "Don't ask me what happened," he begged softly. "Nobody else knows. Just... I could use something to take the edge off 'til I'm healed up." The truth was, after helping with barn chores, he could hardly move at all, and if he really wanted to take care of himself, he needed a lot more help than just pain killers. But if it hadn't been for Sparky, he probably would have just gone to rest in his bunk for a while until he could function again and no one would have been the wiser. Mick was getting suspicious though, which put all his actions under scrutiny. If asked, maybe Angel would just tell him that Lane had some back pain - which would be the truth. Could he trust her to keep quiet? 

Realizing he was scaring Beth, Justin forced a small smile and brushed her cheek with his hand. "I'm sorry. Something has happened and I just want to make sure you're safe." Pulling her close, he hugged her... a little tighter than normal. 

"My brother's girlfriend - Grace - we think she may have been abducted. They called Jared and told him to talk to me, so I'm afraid someone is trying to get to me." He drew back, trying to remain reassuring. "If that's true, I want you safe. It could be some former client of mine whose upset with how I treated them. Who knows." Or it could be the Agency. The thought came up in his mind again, but he didn't want to voice it to her yet. She knew very little about it, and he didn't want to worry her any more than she already would be. Besides, thinking it was the Agency without any proof was pointless. They needed more facts.

"I want to take you to North Springs with me," he continued. "Someone's going to watch over my mom and brother, so I'll take you there, then I need to go to the Elite and figure out what's going on. Visiting your sister will have to wait until I'm sure no one is going to try to get to me through you."

"Awesome." Levi shook his head. "Don't worry about a resume unless you've already got one made up. We'll just chat, okay?" He smiled again and walked Karla back to the door. "Noon. Tou Han's. See you there." 

Once she was gone, he sighed and turned around to find his dad off the phone, arms folded and staring at him. "What?" 

Keith cocked his head. "Oh...nothing. Just watching my son hire somebody we know absolutely nothing about."

"I didn't hire her," Levi defended. "It's an interview. How can we turn that down after we just decided to look for somebody?"

"From one businessman to another, you're moving awfully fast there, Bud." 

"And... you're not happy about it?"

"Well, a little conversing with me would have been nice." Keith came closer and patted his son on the shoulder. "But I trust you. Just remember to think with your head, huh? We need someone who can actually handle the job - not just someone who's friendly and cute."

Levi's cheeks flushed again and he turned to go back to his desk. "Sorry I got so enthusiastic. I just...had a feeling."

"Your spidy-senses kicking in again?"

Levi grinned over his shoulder. "Maybe. I dunno. She just seemed...like the perfect fit."

"Without even knowing if she's got the skills we need?"


Keith shrugged. "Okay."

"You wanna come with us to lunch tomorrow?"

"Nope. You've got the reins on this one. Find us a secretary..."

...It was the next day at five til noon. Levi sat at a little table in Tou Han's, slowly nursing his glass of iced tea while he waited. A folder sat near his elbow with a notepad, and his fingers fidgeted with the pen he'd brought. His napkin was already full of doodles. He'd been here for ten minutes already, just because he'd wanted to get settled, even though he had a hard time sitting still without anything to do. Maybe his dad was right - he'd acted awfully fast on this one. But he still had a gut feeling that it wasn't a coincidence Karla had found them yesterday.

But I Thought...

Hearing the knock on the door Beth's ears perk up. She wasn't expecting Justin till later so she wondered how it was. Turning it she didn't even have to move anymore as Justin was now already in the kitchen. The look on his face startled her. 
     "North Springs? What...why? Justin...whats going on you are scaring me? I thought we were going to see Sarah tonight?"

Beth couldn't help all the questions she was asking this was all just so confusing, and very unlike Justin to just pick up like this and change plans without even asking. Whatever was going on must be serous and she new it.

As the door opens Stacy has a look of concern but also an apologetic look. It was clear to see Mick had been sleeping and she felt bad for waking him when she really didn't know if she should be or not.

   "Hey Mick sorry to wake you. I just a little concerned about Lane. I saw him wonder to one of the pastures and he was just acting kind of odd. I'm not sure if its really anything to be worried about, but I thought you might like to know. I got a strange feeling at dinner and just didn't want to let this go in case it was something."

Karla couldn't help but smile once again. Levi's energy was great and so the sense of humor it was clear to see he had. At the mention of Chinese food Karla's stomach growled slightly reminding her she hadn't eaten yet today. It had been long, and it had been stressful but at least something good seemed to be happening.

   "Tou Han's sounds perfect. Need me to bring a resume or anything?"



Overnight Bag

Hearing Grace wouldn't be coming today, Lydia sighed. She hoped this had nothing to do with what happened yesterday, but was also a little concerned. Grace didn't usually do things like not call in to work.

Jared took out one earbud as his mother came to his open doorway. "What?"

She gave him a bit of a motherly look. "Grace is not coming today. And I do not blame her after how you treated her."

Watching his mother simply leave, Jared's eyes narrowed. Sure. Blame him. Why not? He didn't care anyway. Grace had left him on the ground yesterday. If she didn't want to come back, then so be it.

Just as he was starting to listen to his music again, he felt his cell phone vibrate. Without a number her recognized, he almost let it go to voicemail, then on a whim, he decided to answer it. "Yeah?" As soon as he heard Grace's strained voice, his blood ran cold. "Grace, what... what happened, whats.." He was cut off as the male voice came on the line. And when the call was over, his heart was racing. What was happening? Where was Grace? Who was the man? Was she okay? Why was she hurt? Who had hurt her? And why on earth did they want him to talk to Justin? Justin. He was just a counselor. Wait, no, he did something for the cops or something right? Was he involved in something heavy? Why would anyone harm Grace?
Feeling utterly helpless, he went to dial Justin but realized he didn't have his number. "Mom!" he yelled. "Mom!"

Lydia came quickly. "What on earth is wrong?"

"Justin. His number." Jared couldn't speak clearly and held up his phone, frustrated. "What's Justin's number."

Lydia frowned. "Why, what..."

"Just give me his number!"

"Alright, alright!" Lydia scowled at him before reciting the memorized number. "Now tell me...." She gave up as Jared was already dialing, and walked away, more annoyed than anything.

Justin was just walking out of one of the wards at Brookshire when his phone rang. Coaxing the two dogs up into his pickup, he fished his phone from his pocket. "Hello?"

"Justin? I just got a call about Grace. I think she's hurt and some guy said I needed to tell you. What's going on?"

"Whoa, whoa." Justin slid in behind the wheel. "Slow down."

"How can I slow down?! Grace is hurt and I don't know where she is!"

Justin began to realize that something really serious was going on. This was no joke. "Okay, tell me exactly what happened."

"I just did! Grace called. She was upset and said she was hurt. I didn't even have time to talk to her and a guy got on and said I needed to get in contact with you if I ever wanted to see Grace alive again. Justin, what the heck is going on?!" 

The wheels in Justin's mind were already turning - quickly. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all. He started his pickup. "I don't know. But I'm going to find out, okay? Just hang tight."

"As if I could do anything else. What are you involved in? Why did they want me to call you?"

"I don't know, Jared!" Justin looked both ways before peeling out of the parking lot. He didn't want to be mean to his brother, but right now was not the time to try and explain all he did every day. He had never yet been targeted by the Agency. Had that now changed? "Just don't do anything. I'll be in touch as soon as I know something."

"Shouldn't I call the police?"

"No. Don't. Just stay put and call me back if you get another call." Justin hung up on his brother and dialed with one hand as he drove. "Reese? We might have a situation." He explained what Jared had just told him. "I don't know what this is about. It could be some disgruntled client of mine, but I'm more afraid it's the Agency, just because whoever it is actually took the long way around to get to me, and that seems to be one of the Agency's talents."

"Agreed. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'll start looking into this. Where are you at?"

"I'm on my way to pick up my girlfriend and get her somewhere safe, then I'm coming in."

"Good man. I'll send someone to your brother's to make sure he and your mother are okay."

"Thanks. I'll be there as soon as I can." Justin tossed his phone into the passenger seat as he sped down the highway. He made it to Beth's in record time. Knowing it was her day off work, he hoped she was home, and after knocking on her apartment door, he didn't wait for her to answer, but went on inside. "Beth? Beth," he called. Finding her in the kitchen, he set his hands on her shoulders, relief covering his face that she was okay. "Pack an overnight bag - you're coming with me. I'll explain on the way to North Springs."

Mick had just dozed off when the knock at the door sent him jerking bolt upright in bed. He blinked in the dark before hearing the knock again and realizing what it was. Who on earth would bother them at this hour? Maybe some of the horses got loose or something.

Yawning, he gave Rosetta's shoulder a gentle pat. There was no need to get everybody out of bed. "I'll be back," he informed sleepily. "Don't go anywhere." He pulled on a pair of jeans and threw on a open flannel shirt over his tee before trudging to the door in his bare feet.

Turning on the porch light as he opened the door, he was surprised to see Stacy. Then he was concerned. "Stacy... what's wrong?"

Lane remained on his knees in the pasture, but he knew he couldn't stay there. No matter how sick this whole thing made him feel, ignoring it was certainly not an option. It wouldn't fix itself. He had to do what he'd come to do. 

Finally rising to his feet once more, he wandered a while before aiming back towards the barns.

Levi's smile widened as Karla responded to everything he'd said - positively and with enthusiasm. He opened his mouth, then stopped at her final comment, his eyes going wide. Spinning around to see his dad, he bit his lip. "Oops."

Keith smirked at him and shook his head before turning his concentration back to his phone call. 

Levi cringed inwardly. His dad didn't like something he was doing. He could tell. But it was too late now. He looked back to Karla. "Okay, so let's start with lunch tomorrow and see what happens. Is that slow enough?" He grinned. "How's Tou Han's Chinese sound to you? On me. We'll call it an interview."

Dead or Alive

Hearing the woman answer the phone the voice on the other end was very professional. Grace hadn't show up to work today and though they were annoyed that now they had to cancel all her appointments they new it was there job anyways.

   "Hi Ms. Hawks,  Sorry to bother you this is Kim from the hospital. I was just calling to let you know Grace never showed up for work today. So she wont be making it to your sons appointment this afternoon."

Continuing to let the phone ring the person on the other end just waited, and wait till finally a voice answered he other end. Handing the phone off again, giving a look that could kill anyone.

As the phone is brought up to her ear Grace can't help the tears that streamed down her face. She hurt all over and the scent of blood was strong. She wasn't sure what was going on or what had happened. After she left Jared's house yesterday she'd been so out of it everything just became a blur.

    "Jared....I don't know what they want. Please....everything hurts...."

Before she could say anything more the phone was yanked away from her and a gag put back over her mouth. What was going to happen to her? Was this going to be the end? Was this it for her?

   "If you ever want to see your girlfriend alive again I'd get in contact with your brother before she bleeds to death."

Nothing more was said as the line went dead. 

Doing her rounds was never hard, but she was always alert, and something about the new visitor made her hair stand on end. Mick seemed a little tense around him and the face she wasn't introduced as anymore than just Stacy made her even more concerned. So tonight she made sure that every corner was searched, every bunk was locked, or occupied. 

Movement catch the corner of her eye. Stay a bit away seeing the figure step out of the shadow she see its lane and her hair again stands on end. Maybe he was just looking around but why would he do that now? It was late, and he could do it just as easy with his sister in the morning. Something just wasn't right and Stacy didn't like it.

Continuing to watch her concern grew and grew till Lane feel down in the field. She needed to tell Mick. There just wasn't something right with this whole thing and she couldn't just let this slid. Even if it was nothing she'd rather tell someone and find that out than let it slide and it be something more.

Heading right to the main house Stacy hated having to wake anyone but she had to. Knocking on the door loudly she hoped she wouldn't wake the little one too.

Karla can't help but laugh again as Levi seemed to move a million miles and hour and just seemed to excited that she wanted to work with them. She needed these laughs and she was thankful for them. She could only think of one person who had control over this situation and he new exactly what she needed.

   "Pay dosent concern me, I don't have any other job at the moment, three days a week sounds good too and yes...lunch tomorrow sounds lovely. Only...if you promise to slow down a little bit. You are going to end up hurting yourself and I think your dad might hurt himself too if you dont take notice he is trying to flag you down."

Tired and Sore

Mick tossed Rosetta a wink as he returned her smile. He knew she'd read his face, and he'd express his concerns to her later when they were alone. He wouldn't voice them now - especially when Angel was enjoying her brother as much as she was...

...As soon as it felt appropriate, Lane said his goodnights. It might have seemed just a little early, but he was tired, and though he wouldn't admit it, he was overwhelmed and just needed some quiet. Going to bed early was the best excuse, with the promise he'd see everyone tomorrow, and help out in the barns...

...Everyone else was in bed. At least Lane assumed so, since it was after midnight and no lights were on. Despite being exhausted though, his mind was wide awake - and had been since he'd left the group earlier. He slowly wandered out past the barns, his eyes roaming the dark surroundings. This place really had changed and grown. It wasn't the same ranch he remembered.

Reaching the back gate, he unlatched it and let himself into the pasture. Once he went a short distance, he stopped to stare up at the starlit sky. Thousands upon thousands of stars could be seen tonight. And normally, he'd enjoy it. Normally he'd take it all in with wonder and imagine how he could capture such a scene. But not tonight. It was uncertain how long he'd stood, before the weight came crashing down on him.

Falling to his knees he hung his head, closing his eyes shut tight. The people here...his sister...everyone... How could he follow through with this? How could he destroy such goodness, peace and kindness? He couldn't. But he had to. He had no choice. But it was already destroying his soul.

Jared didn't look at Grace as she spoke. He heard her alright though, and it stung. But he refused to respond, and instead he just stayed where he was to wallow in his misery. His wet, painful misery.

Eventually, long after Grace was gone, he made it to his feet and to the door, where Lydia finally came to help. He didn't talk to her about what happened, but simply let her help him into some dry clothes and into bed where he spent the rest of the day, refusing supper.

The following day, Lydia couldn't get him out of bed. It wasn't that he wasn't able - although he was mighty sore from the previous day - but he simply refused. By the time Grace was to come in the afternoon, he still hadn't even eaten anything. 

Tired and sore, he lay stretched out on top of his bed, propped up with pillows. Eyes closed, he listened to music through his headphones in an attempt to drown out the world.

"A band? Sweet!" Levi's eyes lit up. "You serious about wanting the job? I mean, really?" It seemed too good to be true. "I was half-kidding, but we could definitely use some organizing around here."

He hooked his thumbs in his jeans pockets as he grew at ease. "We were just ready to throw a help-wanted sign in the window. It's not like we don't wanna be more organized or can't - we've just been so busy that it's been a nightmare keeping everything straight."

Keith talked on the phone while listening with one ear to his son's conversation, and waved at him but failed to get his attention.

Levi nodded to his own desk. "We offer advertising services. I do a lot of graphic designing, and we make connections for folks for like, say, business cards or brochures, or connect their businesses to newspapers or radio to help boost awareness. We do all the designing and footwork so the businesses don't have to. And...business is booming at the moment, so...it would be awesome to have someone to help clean things up and maybe handle the phones and stuff."

Keith waved again, a little more frantically, but Levi still didn't see him.

"I can't quote you what we can pay since we hadn't yet decided on the details, but I can definitely say we'd love to have someone here three days a week to start out. And we'd train you, of course. How about tomorrow?"

Realizing he was going very fast, Levi halted his thoughts and his mouth as he bit his lip. "Unless, of course, you're already working another job and need time or something. Or maybe three days a week won't even work for you." He stopped again as his brain took off once more. "I know - can you do lunch tomorrow? We can talk details then."

Over at his own desk, Keith threw up his hands while maintaining his phone conversation. Intervening now was pointless.


Good Start

Karla can't help the look of surprise as she looked around again. Now that she took a little more time to look one could they really didn't have a secretary  and they did need help bad. She chuckled to herself a little. Though a lot of bad had happened today she couldn't help but wonder if maybe this was another door opening for her. She was going to have a lot of time on her hands now, and filling it with something good not to mention putting a little money in her pocket was a good thing.

   "Yeah....I think you guys did bite off a little more than you thought."

Karla couldn't help but let her eyes go wide as she just watched Levi throw the papers on the desk without a care. This place needed a lot of organization, a lot of love, and a deep deep clean for sure. Looking at Levi again for a long moment there was something about him Karla couldnt put her finger on.

   "So when do you need me to start? I've never been a secretary before, but I did work with a band for a while so I know how to be organised. Maybe just start a few days a week and if you like me I can do more."

Giving a smile Karla realized she hadn't even introduced herself. She could kick herself right now.

   "Wow what a good start I haven't even introduce myself. I'm Karla!"

Looking down at Jared she quirked an eyebrow at him. She wasn't sure what was going on with him today but she didn't like it. Maybe he really had, had to much. No matter the reason his words stung and cut her deep. 

     "I'd be coming back tomorrow even if you told me not to Jared. You dont get to tell me when to come or not come because it's my job to come. I get paid to come for an hour and try and help you. The other three or four hours those...those are my time trying to be a friend, maybe the only friend you got left. So if you want to push me away so be it...I'll just come for my hour, collect my money and leave."

Turning Grace makes her way down the steps before stopping and turning to face Jared the rain still coming down. In a way she was happy for the rain. It masked the tears that rolled down her cheeks as she looked at her and it felt like her heart was breaking.

    "Just so you know....I didn't think it was a good idea that's why you weren't alone. Just because you can't see someone doesn't mean they are not there and it looks like you did fine getting home, so at least I know you got the drive to do that."

Turning again Grace makes her way to her car. She would be back tomorrow, but right now she was hurting more than she had in a long time.

Feeling Mick's foot under the table Rosetta couldn't help he smile that spread across her face as she studied her husband across the table. She could see in his eyes something was wrong and she couldn't help but feel the same a little. There was a lot unanswered on Lane's part. There just seemed more to the story even if she couldn't put her finger on it.


Levi finally shook himself loose from the chair and got himself to his feet. "Secretary? What secretary?" He took the rescued papers from the visitor, his hand brushing against hers as he did. "Thanks. We just, sorta, um..."

"What he's trying to say," Keith interrupted, "is that we've bit off more than the two of us can chew and we don't have a secretary, let alone one on vacation."

"We will though." Levi tossed the papers onto the desk in yet another haphazard pile. "Soon. We hope to, I mean. We're looking." He stopped, his cheeks finally back to their normal color, and gave her a crooked smile. "I'm Levi." He offered her a handshake. "You're not looking for a job are you?" he teased.

Keith rolled his eyes. "No, she tripped over my cleaning supplies out there and was gracious enough to bring them in with a stiff reminder not to forget them out there again."

Levi's eyes twinkled as he looked down at her. "Good, 'cause when I tried that, he didn't listen. You sure you don't want a job?"

"Levi!" Keith chided. The phone rang again an he sighed before going to his own desk to answer it.

Lydia was confused at seeing Grace come in the back door, but obeyed and kept quiet. Once she realized what was really going on as she peeked out from behind the curtains, tears pooled in her eyes. She would want to help anyone - but this was her son. So staying inside without going to help him hurt her heart.

Jared glanced up as Grace came out on the porch, unable to help the surprise that flashed in his eyes, even though he tried to hide it. The surprise was quickly replaced by his irritation though, and he looked away before taking the box of bandages. Able to get to his knee through the tear in his jeans, he simply covered the wound with a couple bandaids until he could clean it more thoroughly.

"You can come tomorrow," he growled, "but don't expect any cooperation from me. Not after you decided leaving me out there on my own was a good idea." He hurt all over. He was wet. He was cold. He was embarrassed. And he was angry.

"If that's what therapy is, you can take it and shove it."

"Oh..." Lane blinked. "Yeah...yeah, sure." Being the center of attention wasn't quite what he'd had in mind, but Angel was right - there would be a lot of questions from more than on person, most likely.

The door suddenly opened again. "Hey, Angel would you..." Luke's voice trailed off as he saw Lane. He was about ready to apologize for interrupting, thinking it was just a ranch visitor, but then, no one was scheduled to arrive today, and...did he know him?

Lane turned to see him, his eyes taking in everything from how Luke had aged, to the leg braces, to the cane he used. "Hi, Luke."

Luke glanced at Angel, then back again, silent until it finally dawned on him. "Mississippi?"

"The one and only."

"Oh wow..." Luke slowly stepped all the way into the office, his eyes wide. "What...brings you here?"

"Just in the area." Lane smiled. "Thought it was about time I saw my sister again."

"I'd say so. It's been what...?"

Lane shrugged. "I've never been too good at math."

Luke tried to think that far back, but it wasn't easy. He at least knew Mississippi had never met his niece so it had been a very long time. "Well it's good to see you. Staying long?"

"I've got some time to spare, so I'd like to hang around a few days and see everyone."

"Good...good." There was an awkward pause before Luke looked back to Angel. "Um..." He paused, then chuckled. "I have no idea why I came here," he admitted. "I'd retrace my steps, but I don't think my legs will let me." He rolled his eyes and eased down in a chair so he wouldn't fall down. At least today he was up and moving. Yesterday the pain had been so bad, he hadn't even been able to get out of bed. "Um, the bunk next to Eric's is open, I think. Number five," he mused before looking to Lane. "Unless you wanna stay in the house with us. We've got a spare room - I'm sure Angel wouldn't mind."

"Oh, no, it's okay, I'll stay in the bunk." Lane waved off the offer. "I wanna see y'all, not impose. Angel was just gonna get folks together," he continued so Luke wouldn't argue with him, "so I wouldn't have to repeat myself a hundred times. I didn't mean to cause a stir."

"Well, it's not every day someone from that far in the past shows up without warning."

"Right..." Lane finally slapped his hat back on his head and glanced back to Angel. "I'll, um... grab some of my stuff outta my truck, if that's okay. I can find the bunk alright."

Only after he'd left did Luke look to Angel, his eyes still a bit wide. "This is certainly a surprise. I wonder what made him decide to come here after all these years..."

...Lane made himself scarce until about suppertime when Angel managed to gather most everyone in the main house. It was awkward at first, and not everyone remembered him at first, but once they realized who he was, the memories started coming back...

"Wow..." Mick was the first to step forward and offer a handshake. "Been a long time, Mississippi."

Lane grinned and shook his hand. "Lane, please. Mississippi is such a mouthful. And yeah, I guess it has been a while."

"Like...twenty years?" Trent was the last to walk in the back door and came up slowly.

Lane smirked a little. "Trent. Wondered when you'd show up. I'd say it's been a little more than that, but who's counting?"

Trent grinned. "Not me."

Once everyone who had known Lane had a chance to greet him, Mick set his hands on his hips. "So what in the world brings you here?"

"Oh, just...chasing the wind." Lane fiddled with his hat. "Passing through, had a nostalgic moment and thought I'd drop in."

Trent quirked an eyebrow. "Where you at nowadays anyway?"

"I hang my hat wherever it falls." Lane shrugged. "Guess that part of me hasn't changed much over the years."

Mick glanced at Rosetta before clearing his throat. "Well, um, if you're gonna stick around, what say we all catch up over supper? Becky's got something cooking in there that smells awfully good."

"I don't know how I could say no to that." Lane tossed Angel a look. "Guess you're stuck with me..."

...A couple hours later, Lane sat at one of the dining room tables with Angel, Luke, Wendy, Clint and the kids. He'd interacted with almost everyone, rather overwhelmed by so many wanting to talk to him. Not that he'd expected a poor reception, but they all seemed to be even more gracious than he remembered.

Though his eyes were tired, he tried to stay alert. Dinner was over, but the fellowship continued, and Lane was still the center of attention. Listening to something Luke said, his attention was diverted when he felt something on his leg. Looking down, his eyes met those of Kaylee. She grinned up at him and said something no one could interpret. Lane chuckled and moved his chair back a little. "And to what do I owe this visit?"

Kaylee reached up her hands and giggled.

"Boy, you're a friendly little tyke, aren't you?" Lane didn't mind, and lifted her up onto his lap to bounce her and make her giggle even more.

Across the table, Clint had his own lap full of Chase, who had conked out half an hour ago. "She kinda claims everybody around here as her own," he commented wryly.

Lane chuckled. He could see Wes in the little girl's eyes. "I don't mind."

"You seem pretty comfortable with it."

Lane just shrugged without really responding. He glanced over at Wendy for the umpteenth time though, lost in thought.

Luke saw it and quirked an eyebrow. "Hard to believe that much time has gone by huh?"

Lane snapped back to attention before giving Kaylee a pat and sending her on her way. "Yeah...yeah, sorry," he apologized to Wendy. "Just glad I finally got to meet my niece. I heard you were born, and today you're all grown up with kids of your own." His eyes flitted to Angel, then back again. "Time...really does fly."

Mick's eyes continued to watch Lane as they had all evening. He was glad to see their old friend. Their paths has crossed only for a short time, but that time had been good. After so many years though, no one was ever the same. And showing up out of the blue like this... Mick couldn't help but be alert. So far, his observations were somewhat conflicting.

Lane had laughed and smiled with everyone, yet physically, he sat rigid and on edge, not having relaxed once. He conversed easily, yet there were very few questions he'd answered straight - after several hours, it was still unclear where he lived, where he'd been or what he did for a living. He appeared to enjoy everyone's company, but had yet to actually be clear about what brought him here. He asked questions and conversed, but somehow it seemed he was surprised by nothing, as if he was already familiar with everyone here. Seeing kids like Wendy or Dylan, Luke's condition, hearing Trent had a daughter, finding out about Wes' time in the military - none of it seemed to surprise him. At the very least, Mick would surmise Lane wore many layers, built up by a past he wasn't willing to share. At the very most...Mick wasn't sure he wanted to assume the worst, but something just didn't feel right. He just hoped it was something simple that would take care of itself.

Realizing he'd been neglecting his own table, Mick glanced across to Rosetta. Eying her with mischief, he slid his foot under the table to nudge her playfully. 

Million and One

   "Old man??? You better not let anyone hear you say that since you are younger than us all."

Angel couldn't help the laugh that escaped. Pulling away from her bother and looking up at him she eyes were filled with so much. Amazement, wonder and questions. She was so happy her brother was here, but at the same time it was just a tiny bit odd.

    "There is always room for family, even if there really wasn't. We would figure it out and go from there. Not to mention the ranch had grown a lot since the last time you were here."

Going back over to her desk Angel had a million questions she wanted to ask but she wondered if maybe calling the group together would be a better idea.

    "As happy as I am to see you there are a million and one questions that everyone is going to want to ask. Let me call everyone together so we can all catch up and you wont have to answer the question more than once."

Just continuing to look down at Jared his words stung. She new he was frustrated, and upset but non the less his words hurt and it took all she could not to show that hurt. Turning quickly Grace walked away. She'd meant it, if he wanted to pout than he could pout and have a pitty party on his own. She'd done all she could to keep that from happening and now she was just tired herself of holding it together and being fought tooth and nail. Getting far enough away that Jared couldn't see her anymore Grace ducks behind some bushes and continues to watch Jared. She felt like a creeper but as much as she wanted him to think she left him there she didn't really want to leave him there.

It seemed like forever but seeing Jared finally get up and make his way to home Grace smiled a little to herself before taking an alternative rout back to the house and slipping in the back door. Seeing Lydia she smiles and held her finger to her lip. She new she would be confused, but she didn't want Jared to know she had really come back here, not yet anyways. 

Giving Jared enough time to sit there Grace heads out with a box of bandages and drops them in his lap. She cared, she cared maybe more than he even realized. Maybe thats why she did all she did because she cared to much.

   "Glad you made it back. I'll be back again tomorrow same time and we can start again."

   "Yes, I think I am ok for the most...."

Karla's word trailed off at the comotion that was coming from behind Keith. Her eyes widened slightly slightly and it took as she could not to full out laugh at the sight that was happening before her, but a smile did spread across her lips. She had no idea what was going on right now, and maybe this business was running differently than most but she was happy she'd deiced to come in today. Through all the pain and hurt she at least got to smile a little.

   "Hi, yeah...I think it's your dad...who helped me. But it looks like you need more help than I do."

Bending down Karla starts to help pick up some of the papers that had fallen. She kinda felt bad. It really look like they were struggling here with everything going on all at once. She couldn't help but wonder if they were understaffed, or everyone was on vacation.

   "You guys sure do have your hands full. Is your secretary on vacation?"