
Million and One

   "Old man??? You better not let anyone hear you say that since you are younger than us all."

Angel couldn't help the laugh that escaped. Pulling away from her bother and looking up at him she eyes were filled with so much. Amazement, wonder and questions. She was so happy her brother was here, but at the same time it was just a tiny bit odd.

    "There is always room for family, even if there really wasn't. We would figure it out and go from there. Not to mention the ranch had grown a lot since the last time you were here."

Going back over to her desk Angel had a million questions she wanted to ask but she wondered if maybe calling the group together would be a better idea.

    "As happy as I am to see you there are a million and one questions that everyone is going to want to ask. Let me call everyone together so we can all catch up and you wont have to answer the question more than once."

Just continuing to look down at Jared his words stung. She new he was frustrated, and upset but non the less his words hurt and it took all she could not to show that hurt. Turning quickly Grace walked away. She'd meant it, if he wanted to pout than he could pout and have a pitty party on his own. She'd done all she could to keep that from happening and now she was just tired herself of holding it together and being fought tooth and nail. Getting far enough away that Jared couldn't see her anymore Grace ducks behind some bushes and continues to watch Jared. She felt like a creeper but as much as she wanted him to think she left him there she didn't really want to leave him there.

It seemed like forever but seeing Jared finally get up and make his way to home Grace smiled a little to herself before taking an alternative rout back to the house and slipping in the back door. Seeing Lydia she smiles and held her finger to her lip. She new she would be confused, but she didn't want Jared to know she had really come back here, not yet anyways. 

Giving Jared enough time to sit there Grace heads out with a box of bandages and drops them in his lap. She cared, she cared maybe more than he even realized. Maybe thats why she did all she did because she cared to much.

   "Glad you made it back. I'll be back again tomorrow same time and we can start again."

   "Yes, I think I am ok for the most...."

Karla's word trailed off at the comotion that was coming from behind Keith. Her eyes widened slightly slightly and it took as she could not to full out laugh at the sight that was happening before her, but a smile did spread across her lips. She had no idea what was going on right now, and maybe this business was running differently than most but she was happy she'd deiced to come in today. Through all the pain and hurt she at least got to smile a little.

   "Hi, yeah...I think it's your dad...who helped me. But it looks like you need more help than I do."

Bending down Karla starts to help pick up some of the papers that had fallen. She kinda felt bad. It really look like they were struggling here with everything going on all at once. She couldn't help but wonder if they were understaffed, or everyone was on vacation.

   "You guys sure do have your hands full. Is your secretary on vacation?"

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