

Enjoying the walk Chad didn't mind the silence as long as Rosalyn was with him. They could not say anything at all and he'd feel like they talked away talking about everything. It was just one of the many affects she had on him. 

Coming back around to the ranch Chad's hand still in Rosalyn's he stands a little taller seeing Mick. He respected him a great deal, and the look that was in his eye now made him worry just a little. He didn't think Mick would tell him to leave but there was something that told him things might go a little more south than they already had.

   "Alright, I will meet up with you there as soon as I am done here."

Giving Rosalyn a smile and a reassure nod he was confidante for her. He didn't want her more upset than she had already been today. He really did want to see her like that anymore. It was still hurting his heart to think about the look that had been in her eye and he didn't like it.

Once she was gone Chad turns back to Mick. Searching his face for a long moment he was silent. He wasn't sure what Mick was going to say but he had a good guess. He was just happy that Mick was staying calm and being really good about this whole thing. At least for his nieces sake.

   "I am guessing Jim talked with you?"

Being pulled down to the same level as Eric Stacy can't help but laugh. Hearing he was going to be ok she was revealed but cringed at him staying off it. She new how hard it was for him to do that but maybe the intensive of going with them tomorrow would help with that.

   "Alright no roughhousing...at lease for now. But once your better I can't promise anything ok?"

Leaning in and giving Eric a kiss Stacy pulls away just smiling down at him. She was really happy he was ok and than tomorrow he would be able to come still. She was looking forward to it and new Ashlee was too.

   "Do you need me to get you anything?"

Grace can't help but laugh as she lays the blanket down and starts to pull out some of the food. Laying it down into a place setting for each of them Grace than helps Jared down to sit with her.

   "Well I am happy you like my cooking. It makes me feel good having someone who likes eating it."

Just giving a smile Grace really meant it. She did enjoy having someone to cook for and she liked being able to make him smile. It put a bright spot in her day even if he didn't know that. 

   "Alright...lets dig in."

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