
This Moment

Leaning her head on Tal's shoulder Ryan lets out a long sigh as a tear rolls down her cheek. This hurt so bad knowing now that Tal doubted them. It was sad and Ryan felt even worse that she had been the one to cause this.

   "Tal...I'm...I'm sorry."

Ryan didn't know what else to say or do she felt so lost. She'd never been in this position before and she wasn't sure what to do or how to do it now. Maybe if she just gave Tal space things would become ok again.

   "I...I don't know what else to do Tal. Where do we go from here now?"

Listing to Alec Misty's heart cried for him. She could see the pain in his eyes and in his voice. It pained her that he had to keep going through this stuff. She wished there was a way to take away his pain that there was a magic sure but if she had one she would use it on herself too.

   "Oh Alec, I'm so sorry. If I could wave a wand and take away you pain I would."

Laying a hand on Alec's arm and giving it a gentil rub Misty really did feel bad for him. She new what it was like to not have Carson but to have someone who you still cared and wanted back it must be ten times worse. 

   "Maybe Alec...it is time to move on. There are many more fish in the sea even if it doesn't seem like it. Don;t just let one get you down. Learn from it, grow and move forward. You'r far to good looking of a guy to stay down for to long."

Smiling down at Rosalyn Chad thought every with her hair a mess she looked so wonderful to him. Even when she rambled, he loved every part of her and it made his heart thump to see her right now in her true natural beauty.

   "Mmm...Good Morning my Princess."

Bringing his hand to the side of her face again and brushing a hair behind her ear Chad smiles just letting his hand cradle her face and run his thumb over her cheek. So soft under his rough hands, he loved the way it felt.

   "You look as pretty in the morning as you do through out the day. With you each and everyday is a bonus - Whether it be for one moment, One day or a million moments. Being with you makes me, Feel new and bright. Being able to be just us. With you we both create a wealth of warmth rising from our hearts. A happy atmosphere of love. Each and everyday is a bonus. I feel lucky and alive. You fill me with youth and masses and masses of tender loving care. I treasure every moment with you. Thank you for coming into my life."

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