
Sooner or Later

As the night draws to an end it was not how Ryan had pictured it at all. She didn't like leaving on these terms and she didn't like feeling like this, but there was very little she could do at this point. The damage had been done and the hurt caused now she had to pay the price for what she'd done.

Getting the small kiss from Tal Ryan smiles a little and her eyes held so much emotion. She wasn't ready to say good night would there be a tomorrow? Ryan wasn't sure but for once in her life she feared the unknown.

   "Good Night Tal, I hope to see you sooner than soon."

Exiting the car and making her way up the sidewalk Ryan stops and turns around giving a wave before entering the house. Seeing Eli was still awake Ryan enters the room giving him a little wave. Setting her purse down on the couch Ryan wonders into the kitchen to get a drink not really saying much.

Giving Alec's arm another pat Misty stands. She could tell he was trying to change the subject and she understood. She wouldn't push it anymore. He new where she was and that he could talk to her anytime if he needed too.

   "I did, I decided to get fish fry, and fried shrimp. Just something different that still tastes good."

Heading into the kitchen agani and start unpacking the bags Misty called back into the other room to Alec. It was nice having him here with her. It provided her her someone to talk too and spend time.

   "You are more than welcome to join me."

Smile down at Rosalyn and giving her hand a little squeeze. It had only been a day but he was happy to be here adn get to share these moments with Rosalyn. He wasnt going to miss out on a second. 

  "I'll meet you in the kitchen in ten."

Stepping back and letting Rosalyn go  Chad makes his way to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and wait for her. He couldn't wait to see what today held for them.

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