
Gentile Sneak!

Hearing Dani's voice and than feeling her hand in his own Dalton closes his fingers around hers a little bit. He still felt weak, and things were still pretty foggy but he new her voice anywhere. Turning his head to look at her Dalton gives a little wince but lets his smile shine through anyways.

   "Hey Babe! How are you?"

Once could only imagine without the haze in his mind that she wasn't doing well. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she looked extremely tired, and she probley had been worried sick too. But he wasn't sure what else to say to her let alone let his own brain think through what he wanted to say.

   "You look tired, maybe if your gentile you can sneak next to me here. I'd like to be able to put my arms around you a little."

Looking down at her brother and giving a shake of her head Ryan smiles. It was nice to see Eli happy and have someone in his life that made him that way. Ryan was happy for him and sometimes she did wonder where He and Scarlet were going in there relationship but if it was forward she'd be happy to have her as her sister in law.

   "You sat around and drove me crazy. Not that I didn't mind it or anything."

Running a hand through her brothers hair Ryan shakes her head again. He was always good to her, to the family and when he was ready to start his own she new he'd be really good with them too. He just had the right temperament, the will to protect and understand his family's needs.

   "Alright Alright before this gets any more sappy I need to go to bed. I have a long work day tomorrow. Thanks Eli for always listing and offering help to me."

Even if Ryan played that she hated the sappy and mushy stuff...inside it really did make her feel good from time to time and something told her Eli new that too.

Driving Chad feels Rosalyn's head rest on his arm as her fingers find his. He new why she was quiet and though she didn't say anything he could read very well the reason for it. He felt bad, and wished he could of done more. To take her away, or tell her they didn't have to go home but as much as he wasn't going to give her up, that would be against his morals and that was just as important to him as she was.

   "We sure can pretend, but it can only last till we get back to the ranch as sad as it is. Running away for a few hours is ok, but running away from the rest of your life is not to smart. Facing it head on, standing your ground now thats what I call over coming something in the way."

Wrapping his fingers around hers he falls silent again for a moment letting his owe mind wonder. He hoped once Rosalyn's dad calmed down he could talk to him and they could at least become friends. Than Chad could at least show him he wasn't a bad guys at all

Bring his mind back to the woman next to him Chad smiles. He couldn't help it when he could of Rosalyn it made him do that. Really he was a lucky guy to have found something like her.
 "So tomorrow if you like I have a bunch of pictures I took. Maybe we could look through them together?!"

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