
Every bone

Dani feels a tear trickle down her cheek even though she smiles. "Oh, Dalton..." 

Looking over her shoulder, she checks to make sure they were still alone. She knew that just having Dalton awake and speaking was more than the doctors had hoped for - while she also knew that he wasn't quite out of the woods yet. But... what could a couple minutes of gentleness harm? 

Being careful, she eases down to lie beside Dalton on her side, cautious not to disturb the IV or wires or put any pressure on his chest. Just letting her head rest on his arm, she sniffles, trying not to let him see how upset she was. Locking her fingers with his, she closes her eyes tight, trying not to cry any more. 

"I love you so much," she whispers. "Please don't leave me." 

Chuckling, Eli waves Ryan off, even though deep down he was glad they could share a tender moment every once in a while. If there was one thing they'd never lose, it was their bond of being brother and sister. "Yeah, yeah... get going, Squirt. See ya tomorrow." 

Left alone in the living room, he sits quietly by himself for a long while, keeping his rampant thoughts to himself. Finally though, he does go to bed before getting up early and heading out, leaving Ryan a note that he'd see her after work....

"Well now... fancy meeting you here."

Alec whirls around and almost drops the loaf of bread he'd just retrieved from the grocery store shelf. He'd come shopping for Misty and had only been here a few minutes. Staring back at the cold eyes, he automatically takes a step back, raising his free hand in defense. "Eli... what... what do you want?"

Eli leans an arm on one of the shelves, his leather jacket creaking as he moves. Flexing his hands, his motorcycle gloves emphasize his fists. "You um... look a might timid there, Alec. What's the matter?"

Alec's eyes narrow slightly, trying to figure out Eli's tone. They'd been good friends once... but right about now, it felt as though they were strangers. Or enemies. He swallows hard. "Nothing. You just surprised me." In truth, the look in Eli's eye was rather intimidating. Alec knew he could handle himself in a fight, but if there was anybody he wouldn't want to go up against, it was Eli. Alec had good moves, but Eli knew how to street fight. "What do you want?" he repeats.

"Can't I do a little shopping?" Eli's eyes catch movement at the end of the aisle, and he watches as a young woman sees them both and decides to turn around and go into the next aisle. Looking back at Alec, he shakes his head. "What about you? Buying bread or trying to catch a ride with my sister again?"

Alec finds himself backing up another step. It felt strange to not want to fight. To not feel that cockiness rise up and strike a challenge. But for the first time when being stared down, he'd rather just walk away. He'd fought enough and was tired. Unfortunately, Eli's reference to Ryan makes him stay put for now. "She was just being nice," he defends quietly. "I had no intention of meeting her here or asking for a ride. You can thank my niece for that one."

"And needing your bike fixed? And sending flowers?"

Alec can feel a strange tingle run down his spine. He didn't like that anger in Eli's eyes. He was not afraid - but he knew now was the time for extreme caution. "That's between her and me, don't you think?"

"What are you trying to pull, Alec, hmm?" Eli cocks his head. "You wanna win her back with some sweet talk? A few flowers here and there? Give the girl a little special attention so she'll let you back in her life? Why? So you can turn around and cheat on her and leave her high and dry again?"

Alec's face flushes with shame and anger. Though his muscles tighten, he still didn't want to throw the punch his arm wanted to. "I thought I was being nice. I just want to be friends again because I miss her."

"Friends? When my sister comes home late 'cause she's been out crying, I'd say she's had an encounter with someone less than a friend, wouldn't you?"

Alec is genuinely surprised, and some of his anger dissipates. "What?"

Eli grits his teeth. "I don't like seeing my sister upset."

"I... I'm sorry." Alec wasn't sure what to think now. Had he really upset Ryan that much? "I didn't mean to upset her. I was just trying to-"

"So help me, Alec..." Eli grits his teeth. He takes a step nearer and leans in close, lowering his voice. "If you hurt her again, I will break every bone in your body."

It takes all Alec has to not either run, or take the first swing. His eyes lock with Eli's as they both wear icy stares. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Good." Eli backs up but keeps his eyes on Alec until he finally turns and walks away.

Left alone, Alec felt he might get sick. He hadn't meant to start trouble. Ryan hadn't seemed all that opposed to seeing him - had it been a lie? Was her smile not a genuine one? Did she really not want to ever see him again but just hadn't said so? Obviously Alec had missed something - something big enough that Eli had felt it necessary to confront him. He didn't want to upset Ryan though, and Alec truly felt sorry if he had. He just... hadn't known.

Trying to finish shopping wasn't easy as now Alec's mind was very far off task. Eventually though he does make it back home with everything on the list.

It was mid-morning by now, and the Elite staff had been filtering in for at least the last hour. Time felt rather distant right now though. It seemed as though the night had perhaps lasted a lifetime. Or a split second. Perhaps a merging of the two - so opposite that it created the illusion of time having stood still.

Con didn't need a large box. And almost everything was already cleaned out of his desk. Anything person, that is. After having spent several hours alone downstairs, he had finally risen to come to come to his cubicle after having retrieved a box from the supply room. And in the box now were a couple picture frames, a few little trinkets he'd been given, a couple notes from Jamie that he'd pinned up. The list went on, but not very far. For such a short list though, when all was packed, it left the cubicle seemingly cold. Without personality. Without life. Although maybe that was appropriate for this day.

Sighing, Con sets the box aside and sets his elbows on the desk, hiding his face in his hands. He'd called Jamie not long after getting back here after the mission. He'd given her few details other than Dalton had been shot, and he didn't know what time he'd get home. As it turned out, he hadn't gone home at all.

There was more than one good reason for him to quit this job for good, and it was finally time. He had outlived his usefulness here and should go before making things worse. People would argue with him, he knew. They would try to get him to stay. Try to convince him it wasn't his fault Dalton was shot. Try to tell him he'd be fine. That there was plenty of good he could still do here. But he'd tried. He'd given it his best and had still fallen short. No... no, it was time to finally say goodbye.

Rosalyn's grip tightens around Chad's hand as he speaks. If ever there would be a time when she might not be able to say no to him, it would be right now. But he wasn't even thinking for one second about taking advantage - instead, he was going to do what was right. How could her father even doubt that? 

Though sighing, she smiles and nods her head on his shoulder. "I'd like to see the pictures very much. I like hearing about what you do." 

Once they were back to the ranch, all was quiet. Rosalyn knew that Stacy was probably making her rounds, but that was the only thing stirring. It didn't look like there were any late night games going on in the dining room either. Taking advantage of the quiet night, Rosalyn joins Chad in his bunkhouse, glad to continue their time together by looking through pictures. 

Sitting next to him on the bed, she happily listens to his explanations of the photos he'd taken, while being sure he kept his arm tucked around her shoulders. 

"Mmmm.... this one looks like it should be a post card." She points to a beach scene with a palm tree.

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