
You May

Garret sits in a chair on the porch of the small house, looking out across the sprawling yard and up to the main house. A light rain had been coming down since early that morning and had not let up. He was thankful that he'd been giving a day of medical leave for his shoulder, even though his wound wasn't all that bad.

Leaning back, he sighs deeply, breathing in the cool damp air. He'd tried to figure out their location by weather patterns, but so far hadn't had much luck. Not that he researched it often - if anybody found out that he was trying to figure out where they were, that would just be one more reason for him to be shot in the head.

Glancing down, he flexes his arm, looking at the fresh needle mark. He was going to have to talk to Medridge about changing his dosage - it was doing nothing for his moods, and probably making them worse. Medridge would probably be thrilled to discover something negative about their latest serum. Garret hoped that it was the drug that had caused him to get down so low the last couple days - if not, he had a bigger problem.

Rolling down his sleeve, he buttons the cuff before looking back up to the main house. And his mind wanders to Victoria, like it usually did.

Medridge sits behind his desk and looks up at Victoria thoughtfully. He trusted his granddaughter. She had a good head on her shoulders and was one of his best agents. He never sent her out on mindless jobs or meaningless assignments - those were kept for the brainless peons. No, Victoria was special, and he'd made sure she had the training to stay alive.

Now about Garret...

Medridge rises from his chair and slowly walks to the window, clasping his hands behind his back as he thinks. "I'm glad to see that you are keeping an eye on him. We've had our differences, but if there's one man I don't want to lose, it's him. I know sometimes my judgment becomes clouded by personal feelings."

Turning, he studies Victoria for several moments. "He's like a son to me. Or, grandson, as it were. He's learning fast the way we operate and has made some very wise observations that have saved us many resources. I've often toyed with the idea of removing him from the field, but he's too good there as well."

He sighs deeply. "But...if I cannot protect those I hold most dear, then I can protect no one." He smiles. "You're probably right. I have been pushing him very hard lately. Although, it is also good to know a man's limits. I would hate to think he has already reached his."

Turning around again, he stares back out at the rain. "However... I will not be around forever to make these kinds of decisions. Therefore, you may inform him that he has four weeks of rest. He may spend it here or at one of our other properties."

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