

Continuing to stand Victoria felt like jumping for joy inside, excited that Garret would be given the time off he ended, But on the outside everything remained the same. Her facial expression, and her stature never moved from how it was. To show joy over thing would surly give it away that they were involved more than working together.

   "I think four week should be more than enough for him to recover, and get himself together again."

Giving a nod Victoria waits till she is sure her grandfather is done talking to her and dismiss her before she turns to leave. Making her way out of the office she wasn't sure where Garret was right now but she'd find him. She was good, but she could track him.

...It wasn't to much later that Victoria was making her way across the yard and to the small house where she new now Garret was. Looking out one of the windows she'd spotted him on the porch. Getting closer she gives a small smile but not to much noting some people might be inside.

   "Medridge gave you four weeks off to recover and regroup. He said you could stay here or be moved to one of the other properties, the choose is yours."

Moving a little Victoria looks around for a moment making sure no one was close before leaning a little closer to Garret. Anyone from a distance would just think the were talking about work or his time away but it would take someone closer to know anything else.

   "Feeling any better today? You look like you got a little more sleep. I was really worried about you Garret, I never want anything bad to you."

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