
Like a Storm

It was quiet enough that Carson could hear Misty's response to Jason, and his head starts to pound again. This was a nightmare. From the very beginning he'd known - been sure - that once he could explain everything, he and Misty would be okay. He had done all of this to save her life! Didn't she understand?! 

Jason purses his lips and turns around to face Carson through the screen door again. "You got the divorce papers?" 

Carson felt he might throw up. "Of course not. I just want to talk to Misty, that's all. Ten minutes. Five, if that's all I can get." 

"I'm sorry." Jason had never seen Carson look this bad - he looked like death warmed over, while desperation showed in his dark eyes. He hadn't even looked this bad way back when he was just starting to try and make a life for himself - back when smoking, drinking and women were still normal routines. "You need to leave now." 

"I can't," Carson hisses. "Don't you understand? Didn't she tell you that-"

"She told me you claim everything was just an act. Regardless, this is her choice, Carson. Personally I'd like to belt you one for being so stupid. But personal feelings aside, Misty doesn't want to see you, and I suggest you leave now before I have to use force." 

Carson didn't know if he was more angry or hurt - neither felt good. His heart had been tearing in two for so long, and now it felt like Misty was applying the final yank to finish the job. Not only being rejected, but after he had poured his soul to her in his letter... it hadn't been all that long since he'd left... was all of her love gone? Was all hope gone? Was there truly nothing left after all he had done to keep her and the baby safe? Tears spring into his eyes, and he's too exhausted to hide them. "Don't do this, Jason," he begs. "Please. I just want to see her... talk... that's all. Please." 

"It's not my choice." Jason's tone remained firm. He really didn't know what to think about Carson right now - whether he still thought he was a jerk, or a brave protector instead. But it didn't matter. He was going to respect Misty's wishes. She didn't need any more stress, especially in her condition. The day had been hard enough without this. "Turn around and go home," he advises. "For Misty's sake." 

"This is for Misty!" Carson wasn't sure when he'd felt more desperate. "I'm her husband, dang it! I have to work this out! I have to make it right!" 

Though Carson's voice was raised, Jason doesn't flinch. "I'm sorry," he repeats. Taking hold of the door, he slowly shuts it. 

No! No, this couldn't happen! Carson knew he shouldn't have bent to the Agency's demands... he knew he should have asked for help... he knew he shouldn't have kept Misty in the dark. But it was over! He had apologized and begged her forgiveness. He had told her the truth - the truth that he still loved her with all his heart and he had never cheated on her at all and never would! Why was she still rejecting him? 

"Misty!" He bangs his palm on the door. "Let me talk to you!" 

Jason hadn't yet taken two steps away from the door and he whirls back around to whip the door back open again. "Are you insane?!" 

Carson is breathing heavily and his shoulders drop. "Yes. I'm insanely in love."

"Then for goodness sake, don't risk Misty's health by causing her more grief."

A tear runs down Carson's cheek and his tone softens. "How can the man who loves her more than life cause her grief?" 

Jason wished he had an answer, but he didn't. "Carson... I'm telling you for the last time to leave. If you don't, I will call for backup and you'll do no good from behind the door of a holding cell." 

Backing up a step, Carson winces as a sharp pain shoots through his chest. This was all such an incredible mess. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. It just wasn't. Swallowing hard, he finally turns around. He didn't want to be hauled in. Jason was right - getting in trouble was no way to help the situation. There was too much at risk. But...

Stepping off the porch, he looks over his shoulder one last time. Misty was only feet away... and he couldn't even see her. Hanging his head, he trudges to his car and finally leaves. 

Jason makes sure the car is out of sight before he shuts and locks the door again. Sighing deeply, he takes a moment to regroup, giving Trooper a pat on the head before he returns to the living room. He was angry, upset, sad... and he didn't know what to do. He was stuck in the middle, letting Misty have his heart while her husband was trying to come back. Had all of this been a mistake? One look at Misty reminded him why he was here. She needed someone. Whether for another week or forever, Jason knew he couldn't leave her - not like this. Not unless she wanted Carson back, and it was obvious that she didn't. 

Easing down on the couch, he sets his gun aside before leaning over and giving Misty's cheek a kiss. Even if he wanted to talk through what had just happened, he knew her well enough to know that she'd rather let things be for a while. "Okay, so... where were we?" 

Alec picks up on the hunt to ignore the interruption, and he scoffs. "I was winning, that's where we were." Somewhere deep down though, he felt a strange new sensation of pity for his brother. This whole scene was all too familiar - but he'd been the one banging on the door, begging to see the one he loved. And today... he still loved her. Was Carson's heart pure? He just didn't know. But he didn't like seeing Misty upset, so he'd remain still and just be here for whatever she needed. And right now, it was good to have an extra pair of eyes here at the house. 

Looking over his hand of cards, he nods. "Yeah... you two might as well give up now."

"...So how do you keep this place running anyway?" Hunter leans on the pasture fence chewing on a long stem of grass. He and Mick had just finished up the last of the barn chores after supper in the dining hall and were about ready to call it a night. Well, at least Mick was. Hunter was planning on returning to the scene of action for a card game with Clint, Jeff, Jade, Dan, and whoever else dared to challenge the crazy bunch. 

Mick rests his arms on the top rail and looks to where the sun had disappeared below the horizon a while ago, leaving strips of bright orange and pink. "What do you mean?"

"Well... financially. You've got enough help around here to keep things running but... how does it stay afloat?" 

"A little sweat and a lot of faith." Mick chuckles. His eyes study the clouds while a sigh escapes. "It's not as easy as it used to be," he admits. "I'll blame the economy for that. We used to have clients here constantly. Now they trickle in one or two at a time. I think a lot of it is because we're so far out. Gas prices rise and people can't afford to come here. We haven't raised our prices, but we can't lower them either." He shrugs. "I still give riding lessons - that helps. We wheel and deal with horses. Mainly buying then selling at a profit. That helps. We have the auto shop - although Clint has been more bored than busy lately." 

Hunter nods slowly. "I was kinda surprised to see the shop here at all. I mean, an hour away from town, people really bring their vehicles here?"

"Used to. Mainly nearby ranchers or travelers, but we'd get some business from town too. But... last couple years as gas prices have gone up, we've lost a lot of business."

"Somebody said you used to have more hired help too."

"Mm-hmm. Used to have a handful of ranch hands. Now though, most of it's just the family and a few others."

"Like Dan?"

Mick chuckles. "Well, he's about as close as you can get to being a family member, but he started out as an extra hand, yeah." 

Hunter grins. He knew Dan and Jade were engaged, but regardless, the man was treated as part of the family, no doubt. "You get donations and stuff too, right?"

"Yeah. Again, not as much as we used to, mostly because we have fewer clients. But, we do have a few particular individuals who believe in our work and who regularly support us as they can. We haven't qualified for any grants the last couple years though so... things have been tight." 

"What..." Hunter bites his lip, feeling he'd asked too much already. But Mick's raised eyebrows prompts him to continue. "What happens if finances don't get any better?" 

"Well... that's a good question. Right now, we're riding on a lot of faith. But there is more we can do. We could sell off more of our stock - that would give us fewer horse mouths to feed. We could pursue taking on more riding students. Eric's been talking about doing a little more truck driving - that makes a pretty penny on long runs."

Hunter nods thoughtfully. "I keep hearing about people you've helped..."

Mick tilts his hat back on his head and turns around to gaze over the ranch yard that was bathed in the dim light of dusk. "Many people were helped before I even got here. I was gone from here for many years - my return was relatively recent when thinking of how long this family has been linked together. It's mainly due to Rosetta's hard work and love for people. She's counseled many people here. The rest of us have learned and also been taught how to handle people and help them deal with life. Sometimes we've had people who need a lot of help and their family brings them and they stay for several months. We've had people who just need to come and take a break." He gives Hunter a sidelong glance. 

Hunter bites his lip but a small grin does emerge. 

"Sometimes we've had troubled kids here who just need love to get them back on the right track... Like Katie."

Hunter quirks an eyebrow. "She told me a little about being unhappy at home and coming to live here, but I guess I don't know the details."

"I guess that would be a story for her to tell." Mick's eyes twinkle. "And if I'm not mistaken, you two will have quite enough time together for many stories." 

Hunter chuckles and lets his eyes wander over the pasture. "Yeah... I hope so." 


"Mm..." Hunter shrugs. 

Sensing something odd in Hunter's tone, Mick cocks his head. "You don't sound so sure. Things alright with you and Katie?"

"Oh yeah, they're great. Just... thinking about when I go back... how things will be."

"Well how do you think they will be?"

"I dunno." Hunter looks down, picking at a splinter on the fence rail. "That whole thing with Jason just never has set right with me, I guess." 

Mick isn't quite sure he understands, but he starts to get the picture. "You... think Katie still loves him, don't you?" 

It takes Hunter several seconds to answer. "Yeah. I don't know why. She hasn't said anything and she's dying for me to get back home. It's just... this thing in my gut, I... I don't know." He shrugs lamely. "It's probably just my imagination."

Mick gives Hunter's shoulder a pat. "A woman's heart is like a storm. You can fight it all you want, but you're always at its mercy." 

Hunter gives him a wry grin. "That's reassuring." 

Mick laughs softly. "Ride it out, Hunter... just ride it out."

To: Katie
From: Hunter

Ive missed u all day long. It seems
strange... I feel like I have become
a part of this ranch. Yet I am 
longing to return to NV so I can 
see u. 

Hunter lies back on his bed, wincing a little as he turns his leg. It was late - quite late after the card game. But he still felt wide awake. Katie was probably in bed, but... he just wanted to send her a text anyway.

I hope ur day has been a good one.
Pretend I have given u a goodnight
hug and kiss. You'll get a real one
soon. ;) Its one day closer to me
getting on my bike. :)  

It was raining a steady rain that had been coming down since early morning. The scent of wet earth permeated the air, spreading a clinging dampness. 

"...He knew you were coming, but I could not get him to stay in the house." Lydia guides Grace through the house to the back door. "He did not want my help. He was very quiet and I was worried about him. Now I am worried he will get sick but he will not come inside and I can't move him by myself." 

On the back deck was an empty wheelchair by the steps. And down the steps and into the yard several feet sat Jared, fully clothed and soaking wet, sitting in the grass with his back to the house as the rain continued to pour. 

Lydia looks to Grace with worry. "He made it without help, but I am afraid he is going to hurt himself."

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