

Cocking her head a little bit and looking at Hunter Katie eyes him for a second before her eyes make there way to his neck and go wide for just a second. Bringing a hand to her mouth she wanted to chuckle but she was in to much shock not even realizing she had done it herself.

   "Ummm...no...no I think they are going to know still Hunter. I'm really sorry...but..."

Katie gives a little snicker but trys to compose herself again. What on earth was everyone going to say back at the ranch. She'd never done that before and hadn't even realized this time she had either. She'd never even been compelled to do that before either. Katie couldn't help the bit of red she could feel coming to her cheeks.

   "I ah....left a mark there on your neck...and...you can just tell people a vampire got you. Yes that will work...a vampire."
As the door opens and Lydia asks her inside Grace smiles she was please that she was still welcomed here and happy it was with such excitement. It really did make her feel good and not like she was intruding at all. Giving a deep sniff the smell of bread filled her nose, it smelled so good and reminded her of when she would visit her grandma. There was always a fresh loaf than.

   "It's good to see you again as well. I came because I want to say Hi to Jared, but the main reason for coming was to see if you would like to come to coffee with me."

Grace had no idea what they would talk about as she new very little about Lydia but she was sure they could find something. Getting out of the house for Lydia might be nice too since Grace had gotten the impression she didn't much.

   "It's a pretty nice day out and I thought getting out of the house might be nice for you, that is if you would like to."

Finishing up at the stove Beth turns and sets both plates of spaghetti down on the table before filling there glasses with some water and ice. Returning once again with a basket of fresh warm bread she sets it down as well before joining Justin at the table. She'd chosen to cook tonight instead of going out anywhere with Justin. Her reason she liked to cook and didn't do it enough, but it was just an excuse when really she would of loved to have gone out but was still leery about eating anywhere but the safty of her own home where she new what would happen and when.

   "I can see why you're having a problem forgiving Jared He hasn't been the best of people for the last years of you life but...he does deserve a second chance right? Maybe he can change who he use to be if people can let him know they love and care about him."

Saying a quick prayer the table is silent of conversation for a moment. Once done taking a bit of her food she lets it continue to linger for just a few second gathering her words and figuring out what she wanted to say and how.

   "Not saying you have to forgive him right away, but maybe if you see him changing slowly it will help you each day maybe heal what was damaged."

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