
Oh good gracious

Chad's murmur confirmed to Rosalyn she was doing something right, so she didn't stop. Just soaking in all of these new feelings, it felt as though time were racing, yet standing still at the same moment.

Suddenly feeling Chad lifting her up and pressing himself to her, holding her against the tree, she sucks in a sharp breath of surprise. She automatically wraps her legs around his waist, crossing her ankles to keep from sliding. His kisses were sweet... deep... filled with passion she didn't even know existed.

The sensation of him kissing down her neck made her tingle all over and she keeps her eyes closed, rolling her head back to give him more room. Letting her fingers find their own way, she feels down his shirt, opening up another button or two so her other hand can reach his chest as well. Both of her palms rest against his warm skin, sliding up to the back of his neck to toy with his hair, then back down again, just absorbing the feeling, wanting to remember exactly what this felt like for when it was gone.

Rolling her head back again, she finds his lips with hers once more to return his passion. A sensual greeting. A thank you. A statement of feelings buried deep down. Her fingers grip his shirt collar as she deepens the kiss, her heart longing just to be needed... loved... held.

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