

Feeling Rosalyn relax with his arms around her sharing this moment together Chad himself became a little more confidant as he let his emotions show just a little more. Knowing he didn't frighten her or make her want to slap him and run he felt good, and that he was ok with this emotion, this feeling, with this new experience he was showing.

With Rosalyn's one had on his chest and the other on his back it felt good to have her arms around him. The warmth, the need to keep this woman safe in this moment and it was he she was clinging to. He couldn't help his heart that started to race even more so much that he thought for sure Rosalyn would be able to feel it and right now he didn't care.

As the kiss continues Chad can't help but murmur his approval. Rosalyn had never been this close with a guy before he certainly couldn't tell aside from a little awkwardness but hardly anything that mattered. She matched his affection well and challenged him back. She took his breath away and he himself almost felt dumb founded.

Finally pulling away and opening his eyes slowly Chad brings his hand from behind Rosalyn's hear around to her cheek and runs his finger down her jaw, around, over her lips before settling to cradle her face. Leaning in and giving another kiss to the lips but not letting it linger as long he pulls away once more. His eyes sparked with a new life, a spark that had been lite once again, something new, exciting, his eyes shown deep and bright as he gasped for a little air. Rosalyn had taken his breath away for sure.

   "Wow, I think your the first person ever to make me at a loss for works...and thats a good thing."

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