

Giving a small chuckle Chuck hugs Susanne a little tighter just feeling her close to him. He loved feeling her close the sweet smell of the shampoo she used in her hair and any perfume or body spray she used. All of it just seemed perfect and wonderful Chuck had never been more sure about a good woman before in his life till he met Susanne. He couldn't describe the feeling or reason he just new.

   "How could I get bored of you when every time my eyes lay on you, you make my heart jump. I love you Susanne just the way you are, and I would never want to change that. There is much life left for adventure and I am willing to wait for that adventure with you."

Bringing his finger under Susanne's chin he pushes upwards so he can look into her eyes. Just searching her face for a long moment Chuck's eyes twinkle and shine like they always had when looking at Susanne. There was so much that shown in his expression so many words and emotions unspoken but just waiting...waiting for the right time. 

    "I don't ever want you thinking I want you a different way because I don't. This...this is what makes you special."

Looking up at Hunter's voice Katie gives a small smile seeing him. She wasn't sure if he would be coming for lunch or not. Katie couldn't help but think he was mad at her and that made her doubt he would be here and she was worried at the same time. Now that he was here though maybe just maybe she had been wrong.

   "I don't mind when you eat my food, it just gives me reason to have seconds."

Leaning a little closet to Hunter Katie nudges him back before looking twords her food. Moving the place between them she gives a small smile willing to shake her food with Hunter and not minding at all. She liked sharing and she could always get more if need be.

   "My morning was....boring and uneventful. How about yours?"

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