

"Oh, Chuck, stop..." Susanne's voice was still quiet as she struggled with accepting his kind words. She always struggled with that though, thinking him far to kind and praising than she deserved.

Forced to look up at him again, she finds his eyes... so soft... so gentle. And though she smiles, her own eyes start to glisten with tears. "Just stop," she begs in almost a whisper. "You always make me cry when you talk like that." They weren't bad tears, they were just tears of pure emotions at someone actually taking the time to give her this much attention... to actually care this much, when she thought she wasn't worth any of it at all.

Returning her face to his chest, she tightens her grip around him and sighs deeply. "I'd like to just stay like this forever... can we? Right here... and not change anything?"

Hunter grins a little as Katie shares her food. His stomach was very hungry, yet he was having a hard time finding his true appetite. He goes ahead and snitches another fry though. "Eh... my morning was boring and uneventful too. Of course... I wasn't with you, so that makes a difference."

Winking at her, he leans over just close enough to kiss her cheek. "That big ol' tree's got my name on it for this afternoon, I think. But not til after I've stuck around here while you clean like I promised." Maybe a little bit of that glint in his eye was an apology from earlier. He knew he hadn't done anything wrong, while at the same time, he knew good and well he'd acted out of character, which surely hadn't seemed right to Katie.

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